


Material and methods. Over 30 years, under supervision there were 6 children of 3 and 18 years, with severe injuries of the rectum and anus. In the diagnosis there was used history, examination, catheterization of the bladder, ultrasound, vaginal and rectoscopy, x-ray diagnostic methods. Results and discussion. Two 3 and 6 years old girls were raped. All had damage not only to the perineum and vagina, but also to the vaginal-rectal septum, rectum, and sphincter. In one child, damage to the rectum and anus occurred during surgery for rectal atresia. Surgical intervention was performed by perineal access. In three adolescents, an injury to the pelvic organs with damage to the rectum, anus, and pelvic bones was a consequence of traffic accidents. Two of them died from traumatic brain injury. The author presents three clinical observations. Conclusion. Combined injuries of the rectum and sphincter are serious injuries. Signs of shock, internal bleeding, open and closed fractures may come to the fore. Assistance to injured children should be carried out in specialized institutions. The main method of the treatment of severe injuries of the sphincter of the rectum is the closure of the sphincter defect


A. Solovyov

Ryazan State Medical University



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