Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery
Peer-review bimonthly medical journal.
- Leonid M. ROSHAL (ORCID: 0000-0002-6920-7726)
MD, PhD, Dr. Science, Professor
president of the National Medical Chamber
Clinical and Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Trauma, Moscow, Russia
- Union of the Medical Community "National Medical Chamber"
- Eco-Vector Publishing Group
Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery is the oldest journal for pediatric surgeons in Russia. The journal was founded in 1997 by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Yu.F. Isakov whose name is on the journal’s cover. Since 2016, the Editor-in-Chief of the journal has been Professor Leonid M. Roshal. The Editorial Board of the journal - since its foundation and up to now - consists of leading scientists of Russia who took part at the journal’s foundation and currently continue and develop the school of Russian pediatric surgery.
The main goal of the journal is to inform specialists working in pediatric surgery about modern researches and recommendations for making right decisions in clinical practice. The journal publishes reviews of literature on basic problems in pediatric surgery, pediatric traumatology-orthopedics, anesthesiology-resuscitation which put readers in the epicenter of modern innovative technologies, trends and unsolved issues of their specialties. The section of original articles presents evidence-based researches in all areas of pediatric surgery, critical medicine, anesthesiology and resuscitation. One can also find there discussions and exchange of experience; the section of clinical practice publishes unique clinical observations and approaches to diagnostics and treatment of pediatric surgical diseases in various domestic clinics and abroad. The journal pays a great attention to the treatment of critical conditions, anesthesiologic support and surgical correction of congenital malformations in newborns. The journal also covers issues of healthcare management and training of specialists in surgical specialties. An obligatory part of each issue is the section of history of pediatric surgery and news of scientific life. The geography of articles accepted for publication has no restrictions.
The journal is designed for pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists-resuscitators and physicians of related specialties.
Announcements More Announcements...
![]() Eco-Vector — the new publisher for the Russian Journal of Pediatric SurgeryPosted: 30.01.2024
Since 2024, Eco-Vector Publishing group became the publisher of the "Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery" (ISSN 1560-9510 (Print) ISSN 2412-0677 (Online)). The the Editor-in-Chief, Professor Leonid M. Roshal, and the editorial board of the journal has not changed. The new official address of the journal's website is From 2024, the editorial board asks authors to submit manuscripts for publication only through the electronic editorial system on the journal's website. |
Current Issue

Vol 29, No 1 (2025)
- Year: 2025
- Published: 17.03.2025
- Articles: 9
- URL:
- DOI:
The degree of the risk for developing hyperammoniemia after various vascular shunting surgeries in children with portal hypertension
BACKGROUND: Hyperammonemia and hepatic encephalopathy (HE) after portosystemic shunt surgeries in children with portal hypertension (PH) is still a pressing problem in modern pediatric surgery.
AIM: To date, there are very few information in the literature on hyperammonemia prevalence after various vascular bypass surgeries in large groups of patients with PH. To study this problem is an important step in making an adequate choice of treatment modality in children with PH regarding the risk of HE development in future.
METHODS: This paper analyzes the results of studies of ammonia content in venous blood in 173 children, of whom 153 had PH (most had undergone vascular bypass surgery).
RESULTS: The analysis performed has shown that the risk of hyperammonemia in non-operated patients with PH is low, but it increases after certain vascular bypass surgeries on the portal system vessels. To the least extent, this applies to the physiological mesoprotal shunt (MPS) and selective distal splenorenal anastomosis (DSRA), and to the greatest extent — to total portosystemic shunts: splenorenal anastomoses (SRA) (side-to-side splenorenal anastomosis, splenosuprarenal anastomoses) and mesocaval shunt (MCS).
CONCLUSION: Our findings have confirm advantages (low risk of hyperammonemia in childhood) of the mesoportal shunt and distal splenorenal anastomosis compared to splenorenal anastomoses and mesocaval H-shunt. At the same time, the study proves the effectiveness of reconstruction of the splenorenal anastomosis into a distal splenorenal anastomosis in reducing the level of ammonia in the blood (this operation was developed at the N.F. Filatov Children's City Clinical Hospital).

Validation of a domestic nomogram for predicting shock-wave lithotripsy outcomes in children with urolithiasis
BACKGROUND: In 2024, the first Russian nomogram for predicting outcomes after the extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy (ESWL) in children was developed in the urological department of the National Medical Research Center for Children’s Health in Moscow, Russia. The nomogram is a mathematical relationship between several factors predicting ESWL outcomes. Such a model promotes a personalized and objective approach to the choice of treatment tactics for each patient. For further implementation of the developed nomogram into clinical practice, it is necessary to perform its external validation.
AIMS: to externally validate and assess the accuracy of the domestic nomogram for predicting the ESWL efficacy in children with urolithiasis.
METHODS: Dornier Compact Sigma device was used in all patients who underwent lithotripsy. The criterion of effective treatment was absence of stone fragments >3 mm in the urinary tract at ultrasound examination in 3 months after the surgery. Patients were divided into two groups depending on treatment outcomes. Then, a statistical analysis of the impact of various factors at lithotripsy outcomes was made. The prognostic accuracy of the previously developed nomogram was also evaluated.
RESULTS: A total of 86 renal units were included in the study. Patients’ average age was 12 years (6.25–15.00), female gender was predominant: 49 (57%) girls versus 37 (43%) boys. Lithotripsy was effective in 52.3%. A comparative analysis showed no statistically significant impact of patient’s gender (p=0.250) and age (p=0.839). When we compared multiplicity and accuracy of localization and their impact at ESWL effectiveness, we do found a statistically significant difference (p=0.010 and p=0.012, respectively). Size, volume, and density of the stone are the most significant predictors of ESWL outcome (p <0.001). The logistic regression analysis showed a statistical significance of summarized nomogram scores which may be used as an independent predictor of ESWL outcomes (p <0.001). Analysis of the confusion matrix showed that the nomogram sensitivity was 82.22%, specificity 78.05%, error-free 89.23%, accuracy 80.43%. Model F-measure was 0.81.
CONCLUSIONS: The performed external validation of the first Russian nomogram has confirmed its high predictive ability and clinical significance in assessing and predicting outcomes after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy in children with urolithiasis.

A syndrome of non-palpable testis: history and current state of art. Literature Review
By to the domestic and foreign literature, non-palpable testes are found in 20% of cases among children with cryptorchidism. Approximately 50% of them are located in the abdominal cavity and 50% are atrophied or vanished ones. Purpose: To systematize data of the scientific literature on the syndrome of non-palpable testes in children. For the review, original articles found in the scientific source engines, such as eLibrary, PubMed, and Scopus, were used.
Most often, literature sources divide non-palpable testes into three types: intra-abdominal, extra-abdominal, and non-viable. Extra-abdominal gonads are often of the normal volume, unlike intra-abdominal gonads which are mostly hypoplastic. Testicular ectopia is one of the variants of non-palpable testes when a testis cannot be detected on the usual migration path from the abdominal cavity. In children with cryptorchidism, testicular ectopia is observed only in 5% of cases, thus making it a rare case which poses certain challenges in diagnostics. There are many controversial issues regarding diagnostic methods and treatment strategies for different types of non-palpable testes in children. Most researchers recommend to use additional visualization options such as ultrasound, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and laparoscopy to confirm the presence or absence of the gonad. However, a definitive diagnosis is not always possible when based solely on ultrasound findings, as this method has limited sensitivity and specificity in detecting non-palpable gonads. The current publications state that an intra-abdominal testis can be visualized during diagnostic laparoscopy in 49% of case in boys with the non-palpable testicular syndrome and with no gonad found at ultrasound examination. Management of non-palpable testes in children, especially with high intra-abdominal gonad location, remains a highly relevant issue and requires further researches and observations.

Robot-assisted appendectomy in a child — a case report
BACKGROUND: Acute appendicitis is the most common surgical pathology requiring emergency intervention in children worldwide. The gold standard in the treatment of the disease is laparoscopic appendectomy. At the same time, advances in technology increasingly incline specialists to the introduction of robotic systems in surgical practice. This fact once again confirms the importance of research aimed at determining the feasibility of using robot-assisted appendectomy in emergency surgery in children.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: The authors made a retrospective review of the medical history of a child with acute appendicitis. A 11-year-old boy was admitted to the Irkutsk State Regional Children's Clinical Hospital with abdominal pain in the right iliac region. At the time of admission, disease duration was 20 hours. For surgery, the Versius robot manufactured by CMR company (UK) was used. Robot-assisted appendectomy followed the same principles as those used in open or laparoscopic approaches: (1) appendix exposure, (2) mesoappendix bipolar coagulation, (3) appendix removal using an endoscopic mechanical stapler.
The total surgical time was 30 minutes, out of which the robot installation time was 10 minutes and the main console time was 20 minutes. The entire procedure was performed completely intracorporally and without conversion to laparoscopic or open surgery. There were no any intraoperative problems and complications. The surgery was successful. Patient’s enteral feeding started on the same day after the surgery. He was discharged from the hospital on Day 3 day after the surgery. Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, performed 1 month later, did not reveal any signs of abnormalities observed at this age. The patient did not complain of any digestive problems during the entire observation period for 3 months after the surgery.
CONCLUSION: Robotic appendectomy has its advantages and disadvantages in the treatment of acute appendicitis. Robotics provides faster postoperative recovery of patients, but requires longer time for surgery; besides, it is an expensive surgical intervention. However, over time the robot-assisted appendectomy may become a cost-effective one that will be successfully used by all surgeons, as it happened with laparoscopic appendectomy several decades ago.

A rare combination of arterio-portal fistula and portosystemic shunt. Endovascular treatment
BACKGROUND: Portosystemic shunts (PSS) is a rare malformation in which there is an abnormal connection between the portal system and the systemic circulation. Arterio-portal fistulas (APF) are arterio-venous connections between the arteries of the ventral trunk system and the portal vein. Hepatopulmonary syndrome) is defined by the respiratory dysfunction due to the defect in arterial oxygenation induced by the dilatation of intrapulmonary vessels associated with liver disease.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: In our clinic, we treated endovascularly a 10.5-y.o. patient with a rare combination of congenital portosystemic shunt (CPSS) and congenital APF complicated by Hepatopulmonary syndrome. The treatment was performed in several stages. The first stage was APF occlusion. The second stage was a balloon occlusion test. The third stage was PSS occlusion. In the postoperative period, there were signs of portal hypertension (PH), that is why the anticoagulant therapy was administered which resulted in PH symptoms regression.
CONCLUSION: In case of the combined arterio-portal fistula and congenital portosystemic shunt, it is necessary, first, to occlude APF, then to perform the balloon occlusion test, and then -if there are well developed intrahepatic branches of the portal vein- to perform PSS occlusion. In the postoperative period, anticoagulant therapy is recommended for preventive purposes.

Treatment of a teenager who was injured by a grande launcher in enclosed space
BACKGROUND: The performed work is on the front burner because of the increased intensity of terroristic acts with blasting devices directed to the civilian population. Besides, explosive injury is one of the damage to the population in wartime. The present article discusses the management of a teenager in the Children's Republican Clinical Hospital in Saransk (Russia) who was injured with a grenade launcher when he was in enclosed space.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: Patient AA (17 y.o., male) was delivered to the hospital with a combined open craniocerebral injury, non-penetrating mine-explosive damage of the scalp, barotrauma, thermal lesion of the scalp and the left half of the face. He was injured by a RPG-18 grenade launcher found in the basement of a residential building. The shot was made inside the car.
CONCLUSION: To know the specific course of explosive injuries is necessary for correct diagnostics and management algorithm. In this particular case, the patient was discharged in 55 hospital days when he was recovering.

Acute appendicitis complicated by peritonitis in a premature newborn: a clinical observation
BACKGROUND: Acute appendicitis in premature newborns (AAPI) is very rare case and is described as isolated observations. AAPI symptoms and clinical picture are similar to those of other acute abdominal diseases in premature newborns. Its diagnosis before surgery is one of the complex problems of neonatal surgery. This pathology is detected accidentally during surgery for other diseases.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: We present a rare clinical case of acute appendicitis complicated by peritonitis in a premature newborn aged 11 days, weighing 1200 g. After a clinical and radiological examination diagnosis of necrotic enterocolitis (NEC) and perforation of a hollow organ was put. Laparocentesis and drainage of the abdominal cavity were performed. After patient’s state stabilization three days later gangrenous perforated appendicitis was diagnosed during laparotomy 3 days later, and appendectomy was performed. Recovery complied with that of the surgical pathology. On day 13th, the patient was transferred to the department of pathology of premature babies for nursing. The child, being in satisfactory condition, was discharged home at the age of 1 month weighing 2250 g.
CONCLUSION: Laparocentesis and drainage of the abdominal cavity with subsequent laparotomy and appendectomy improves outcomes in AAPI patient.

The аsymptomatic course of the complication caused by multiple magnetic foreign bodies in the intestine of a child: case report
BACKGROUND: Magnetic foreign bodies of the gastrointestinal tract are not uncommon in children. A feature of the magnetic foreign bodies of the intestine is their tendency to stick together with each other, thus causing intestinal perforation, intestinal fistulas or obstruction. Sometimes serious complications can be asymptomatic which can lead to late diagnostics.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: In the article, the authors present a case of an accidental detection of intestinal magnetic foreign bodies during X-ray examination of a 3-year-old child without any clinical symptoms in the form of a chain in the projection of the mesogastrium. Duration of these magnets’ location in the intestine is unknown; child’s condition was satisfactory. During surgery, pathological anastomoses between intestinal loops without signs of peritonitis were found. The postoperative period was uneventful, and the child was discharged in the recovering state. A median laparotomy was performed, and foreign bodies were removed from the child — round multicolored magnetic balls 0.3 cm in diameter, interlocked, in an amount of 34 pieces.
CONCLUSION: The absence of specific clinical symptoms prevented the timely diagnostics of pathologically formed interintestinal anastomoses. The presented clinical case describes a serious complication caused by multiple magnetic foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract in a child.

A calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe: a clinical case
BACKGROUND: Calcifying Malherbe epithelioma is one of the most common tumors in children. It is localized mainly on the scalp and neck. The tumor is an asymptomatic, single, spherical, slow-growing subcutaneous formation of dense consistency, up to 3 cm in diameter. Experienced surgeons sometimes remove this neoplasm without prior diagnosis. Based on the presented case of calcifying Malherbe epithelioma in a 7-year-old girl, we want to determine through a retrospective analysis of her medical documents whether only a physical examination will allow a differential diagnosis and a correct diagnosis.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: The girl’s parents saw some lesion on the distal part of her right shoulder. On examination, a physician revealed a subcutaneous tumor up to 2 cm in size, bluish in color, limited in mobility by palpation and painless. At surgery, the tumour was widely excised. Histopathological analysis confirmed the diagnosis of a calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe.
CONCLUSION: Calcifying epithelioma of Malherbe is a rare tumor. It occurs most often in girls. It is often clinically misdiagnosed. Surgical treatment involves wide excision. For families who are particularly concerned about the safety of their children during surgery, additional diagnostic procedures may be helpful.