


75% of all emergency surgeries are surgeries for acute appendicitis. Annually, only in the Republican Scientific Center 700 appendectomies in children are made, in average. The article summarizes data obtained in the retrospective analysis of case histories of 6 256 patients with acute appendicitis and its complications who were hospitalized in the pediatric department of emergency surgery for 12 years. The following incidence of acute appendicitis in children is reported: from 1 to 3 years of age - 0.6 per 1 000; from 4 to 7-1.4-2.6 per 1 000; 13 years of age - 8 per 1 000. The authors discuss specific features in the clinical picture of acute appendicitis in children depending on patient’s age and anatomical location of the appendix. The clinical picture in children of older age and of the first three years of life is discussed separately. Out of 6 256 pediatric patients with acute appendicitis 72 (1.15%) were children younger than 3. The authors have substantiated a complex of diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations as well as tactic options to the treatment of this category of patients. Widespread implementation of the laparoscopic technique into surgical practice has significantly changed the tactics of treatment. The number of surgeries for simple appendicitis in children has decreased up to 3.9-7%.


Kh. Akilov

Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care of Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

N. Urmanov

Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care of Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

F. Primov

Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care of Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Email: noemail@neicon.ru

J. Djurayev

Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care of Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Email: uzmedicine@mail.ru

N. Xadjayarov

Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care of Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Email: noemail@neicon.ru


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