Features of diagnostics in acute diseases of the scrotum organs in children



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Introduction. The syndrome of “acute scrotum” is an important problem in pediatric surgery – reproductive health of the future male population depends on the choice of therapeutic and diagnostic tactics. Ultrasound examination helps to perform differential diagnostics in the acute state of scrotum organs; however, ultrasound is still a conditionally objective technique.

Purpose. To evaluate informative significance of ultrasound examination in acute diseases of the scrotum organs.

Material and methods. 637 patients were admitted to the surgical department 2 in the Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 3 in Omsk with acute scrotum syndrome in 2017–2019. Upon admission, clinical and anamnestic findings, findings of ultrasound examination of the scrotum organs were collected in all of them. 93% of patients required an emergency surgery – scrototomy.

Results. The article presents echographic signs of hydatid lesion, orchoepididymitis and testicular torsion. The sensitivity and specificity of clinical and ultrasound examination in acute diseases of the scrotum organs has been found out.

Conclusion. Ultrasound is a mandatory technique for examining acute scrotum diseases. Due to qualitative ultrasound visualization of the scrotum organs, it is easier to diagnose a nosological form of the “acute scrotum” syndrome. In doubtful cases, when there are discrepancies in clinical and instrumental findings, it is necessary to make revision of the scrotum organs.


A. Grigorenko

Omsk State Medical Universit; Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Email: artyom-grigorenko@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0206-4257

Artem V. Grigorenko, post-graduate student, department of pediatric surgery

644099, Omsk

644001, Omsk


A. Pisklakov

Omsk State Medical Universit; Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital

Email: fake@neicon.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0206-4257

644099, Omsk

644001, Omsk



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