
Author Fees

Reader Fees



General information on paid services for authors

Along with many other journals in the wider community, around 25 of the journals published by Eco-Vector levy Article Submission Charge (ASC).

'Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery' charges ASC, and this is clearly flagged in the journal's guide for authors and during the submission process (on the step 1 and step 7). As described below, all monies derived from ASC are used to support the journal and article selection quality.

'Kazan medical journal' do not levy any mandatory additional fees from authors (NO Article Processing Charge, NO Article Publication Charge).

Eco-Vector Publishing house offers authors a number of additional paid services DOES NOT AFFECT the peer-review results and the editorial board decisions:

  • FastTrack (emergency peer-review of the manuscript);
  • Immediate Open Access*;
  • Full-text translation* from English and other languages.

*available only for authors whose manuscript has been accepted for publication by the editorial board, and only after the appropriate notification from the editorial team.

Payments details

Limited Liability Company "Eco-Vector I.P."

Legal address: 191181, St. Petersburg, Aptekarsky per. 3, lit. A, premise 1H

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KPP (registration reason code): 784101001


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Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission Charge

Price: 450.00 (USD)


Publisher requires single Article Submission Charge (ASC) per submitted manuscript to defray its editorial consideration costs. 

ACS is for the manuscript consideration process that includes:

  • initial manuscript consideration by editors for compliance with Guidelines for Authors and Editorial Policies;
  • checking for plagiarism;
  • manuscript processing for double-blind peer-review, administration of authors-to-reviewers-to-authors communication;
  • presentation of an article and the peer-review results for the Editorial board;
  • communication with authors on all the Editorial board's decisions.

ATTENTION! ASC does not guarantee the publication of a manuscript! The fee is not refundable in the case of refusal to publish after peer-reviewing or failure to review the paper for publication by objective reasons (failure to comply with the authors of author's copyright provisions; negative reviews; author(s) failure to meet a deadline for manuscript corrections; refusal to adopt/correct/update the manuscript in accordance with the requirements of the editorial board; violation of publication ethics guidelines.

Payment can be made by:

  1. Online processingdirectly from the submission profile in the editorial workflow system of the journal.
  2. In case of previous protocol failing:
  • Fill in the “request waive” panel with “invoice request”
  • download and fill in invoice request template and send it to the Editorial Board

Do not forget to press “complete submission” panel at the bottom of the screen.


Price: 1100.00 (USD)


The Fast-Track is a review process and editorial workflow to authors seeking a very fast editorial decision and rapid publication at a higher submission fee to compensate the extreme fast referees and editorial work.

If you choose “Fast-Track” for your manuscript the fee is US$1100.

Please note, that the “Fast-Track” option does not guarantee a positive review and acceptance of a manuscript itself. It's only brings an extreme fast time schedule for manuscript processing through all editorial procedures. Thus, if the manuscript receives negative reviews, and if the editorial board will take the side of reviewers, the manuscript will be rejected. If the reviewers recommend revisions of the manuscript, the final decision on publication will be only after revised manuscript submission and the second round of review.

For the Fast-Track users we guarantee:

  • the response time (report and decision letter) is 21 days, starting from the first business day on which valid payment information has been received from the submitting author.
  • publication (in case of manuscript acceptance) is a nearest upcoming issue of the journal.

The Fast-Track option does not exclude the necessary for correct manuscript formatting. Please ensure that the manuscript corresponds to the formatting guidelines for this journal (you can find them on Author Guidelines page).

Payment can be made by:

  1. Online processingdirectly from the submission profile in the editorial workflow system of the journal.
  2. In case of previous protocol failing, download and fill in invoice request and send it to the Editorial Board

After making the payment and sending the notification to the editor, the authors will receive confirmation by email and within the next 21 days — the results of the article reviewing and the editorial decision.

Immediate Open Access

Price: 500.00 (USD)


(this will NOT abrogate the Peer-Review decesion-based article selection).

Through Optional Open Access, authors of accepted papers are given the option of paying an open access publication charge to make their paper freely available online immediately via the journal website, meaning that readers will not need a journal subscription to view open access content. If an author does not choose to pay the open access publication charge, their paper will be published in the normal manner (available by subscription), and will not be made freely available online immediately.

Therefore there will be a mixture of non-open access and open access articles within each journal issue. Open access articles will be clearly indicated on the journal's online contents page. In order to view the non-open access content, a current subscription to the journal will be required. Online, print and combined subscription options will continue to be available to institutions. 

Payment can be made by:

  1. Online processing — directly from the submission profile in the editorial workflow system of the journal.
  2. In case of previous protocol failing, download and fill in invoice request and send it to the Editorial Board


Submission fee waivers and discounts

All Eco-Vector's journals which charge an ASC offer a number of waivers for authors with limited means. 

The fee for paid editorial services can be reduced or voided at the request of any authors team.

If the author is a member of the editorial board or a reviewer of 'Ecological genetics', a graduate student, or Ph.D. student, the Eco-Vector Publishing House provides a discount for ASC:

  • 100% for single-author publication;
  • proportionally, depending on the number of authors in the manuscript, but not less than 10%.

To receive a discount, please, select “Request Waiver” on the Step 7 of the Manuscript submission precess and write a message to the editor in the comments box. After that you will be able to complete the manuscript submition process without simultaneously paying online.

Decisions on all the waivers requests are for Editor-in-Chief consideration. If the discount is approved, authors will be informed of the final total cost and further payment instructions.


Reader Fees

Issue Purchase

Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual issues. The following payment options and fees are available.

Access for an Issue: 370.00 (USD)

You can purchase the access for all articles published in one issue. Access to articles will be provide for an unlimited time.

Access to issue allows you to read, download and print full text (PDF and HTML) of all articles, but does not allow to distribute, copy or reproduce articles materials until the end of the embargo period (3 years) since the publication of the article).

Article Purchase

Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual articles. The following payment options and fees are available.

Purchase Article: 50.00 (USD)

You can purchase the access for the article to read, download and print its fulltext (PDF, HTML). Access to article will be provide for an unlimited time.

Purchased access does not allow to distribute, copy or reproduce article's materials until the end of the embargo period (3 years) since the publication of the article).


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