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In this study, in the Screening Center of the Samarkand Region over the period of 2010-2015 there were screened 416,672 pregnant women from the risk group (parents are close relatives, the age of a pregnant woman over 35 years, spontaneous abortions in early pregnancy, the use of medications early in pregnancy, hereditary diseases in relatives, etc.). On average, 69,445.3 pregnant women were examined during the year. For the mentioned 6 years, 1053 (2.5 ‰) malformations of the fetus were detected. Anomalies of the brain and skull predominated in the structure of antenatal lesions of the brain - 428 cases (40.6%), multiple defects -154 (14.6%), abdominal and abdominal defects - 163 (15.5%), spine and spinal cord - 103 (9.8%), the developmental defects of the genitourinary system -70 (6.6%) and defects of other systems were found less frequently, in 5%. The prevalence rate of anorectal malformations in the general structure of antenatal lesions was 2.6% (27), and 16.6% - in the structure of abdominal and abdominal malformations. According to data from these surveys, there were revealed sensitivity, specificity, general accuracy and the role of sonography for the detection of anorectal defects in the antenatal period.

About the authors

A. M. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

Zh. A. Shamsiev

Republican Center for Screening Mother and Child

Russian Federation

M. K. Sharipova

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Russian Federation

M. S. Saidov

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Russian Federation


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