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In the clinic of the Volga Research Medical University on the basis of Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital” and “Children’s City Clinical Hospital № 1” from 2014 to 2018 82 newborns including 53 boys (65%) and 29 girls (35%) at the various stages of necrotizing enterocolitis were observed. There were 15 full-term infants (18%), and 67 premature newborns (82%). Symptoms of the disease were manifested in terms from 1 day to 25 days of life. During hospitalization, children were examined by neonatologists and hospital surgeons with the following by instrumental examinations (radiography, ultrasound). The severity of the condition and severity of the process were determined accordingly to the classification by to M.J. Bell (1978). The correlation between the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of newborns and the development of the pathological process was studied using the coefficient of conjugation of characters (φ), on the Wilcoxon, Van der Warden criteria and the sign criterion. Using mathematical analysis, conditionally “weak”, “medium” and “strong” risk factors for the development of NEC are identified. When assessing the occurrence of predictors in different stages of the disease, somatic diseases of the mother, chronic fetal hypoxia, fetal infections (IUI), chronic placental insufficiency (HFPN), weakness of labor, a body weight of the child <1500g were noted to be most often detected

About the authors

I. Yu. Karpova

Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

V. V. Parshikov

Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Russian Federation

E. G. Novopoltseva

Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Russian Federation

E. D. Pyatova

Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Russian Federation

D. V. Molchanova

Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Russian Federation


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