- Authors: Kucherov Y.I.1,2, Kholodnova N.V.1, Adleiba S.R.1,2, Belaya A.L.1, Makarova L.M.1, Ovsyannikova M.A.1, Zhirkova Y.V.1,2
- Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
- Pirogov Russian Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
- Issue: Vol 23, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 139-142
- Submitted: 05.03.2021
- Published: 05.06.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 140
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Full Text
About the authors
Y. I. Kucherov
Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation; Pirogov Russian Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
Author for correspondence.
N. V. Kholodnova
Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
S. R. Adleiba
Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation; Pirogov Russian Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
A. L. Belaya
Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
L. M. Makarova
Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
M. A. Ovsyannikova
Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
Yu. V. Zhirkova
Speransky Children’s Hospital No 9, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation; Pirogov Russian Medical University, Ministry of Healthcare of Russian Federation
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