- Authors: Suleymanova S.B.1
- Astana Medical University
- Issue: Vol 23, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 143-145
- Submitted: 05.03.2021
- Published: 05.06.2019
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 141
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The review is devoted to modern ideas of etiology, pathogenesis, methods of diagnostics and surgical treatment of cystic adenomatous malformation in children. The authors have made a review of domestic and foreign literature on the evolution of molecular genetics and cytogenetic studies. The role of histochemical and ultrastructural analysis in pre- and postnatal diagnostics of congenital lung diseases in children was assessed. The authors also discuss opinion of some specialists as to the terms and tactics of surgical interventions as well as advantages of minimally invasive surgery for congenital lung developmental anomalies.
About the authors
S. B. Suleymanova
Astana Medical University
Author for correspondence.
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