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Currently, differential diagnostics and treatment of uterine adnexal torsion (UAT) in girls is not completely solved and is not an easy one because surgical and gynecological pathologies often intersect with each other. That is why, girls with abdominal pain are to be consulted by a gynecologist. The case discussed in the article demonstrates the problem with differential diagnostics in girls with “acute abdomen”. UAT differential diagnostics is not easy because this pathology has no clear clinical picture what complicates putting a correct diagnosis. UAT in girls is an acute pathology which has to be differentiated from the volume tumor-like formations in the ovaries, a frequent complication of which is an incomplete torsion of tumor leg or ovarian tumor which then leads to complete uterine adnexa torsion. Differential diagnostics should be done with other surgical pathologies such as acute appendicitis, omentum infiltration. Their clinical picture is characterized by a certain complex of symptoms which develops specific changes during the progress of the inflammatory process; this picture also depends on the anatomical peculiarities. Uterine adnexa torsion is met in 15-25% of girls with abdominal pain syndrome. The aim of this work is to demonstrate preventive measures so as to avoid possible diagnostic errors and complications associated with them in girls with abdominal pain syndrome.

About the authors

L. V. Adamyan

A.I. Evdokimov State Moscow Medico-Stomatological University

Author for correspondence.
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

E. V. Sibirskaya

Morozovskaya City Children’s Clinical Hospital; A.I. Evdokimov State Moscow Medico-Stomatological University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

S. M. Sharkov

Morozovskaya City Children’s Clinical Hospital; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

A. K. Fayzulin

Morozovskaya City Children’s Clinical Hospital; A.I. Evdokimov State Moscow Medico-Stomatological University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

A. V. Vechernina

Morozovskaya City Children’s Clinical Hospital

Email: anactas.ve@mail.ru
Russian Federation


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