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New approaches to the treatment of meniscus lesions is currently a hot topic in traumatology and orthopedics. Meniscus resection and suture issues are widely discussed and studied in modern literature. Current trends in the care of meniscus pathologies are aimed to restore the structure of the damaged segment by stitching it using various techniques. A classification scale plays an important role in the treatment of any disease because it allows to uniformly describe the main criteria of pathology and to define a treatment tactics. The given review describes modern classifications of meniscus lesions with their advantages and disadvantages.

About the authors

D. D. Pavlova

Mozorovskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

S. M. Sharkov

Mozorovskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, department of pediatric surgery and urology-andrology, Moscow

Russian Federation

M. A. Petrov

N.I. Pirgov Russian Medical University, chair of pediatric surgery

Russian Federation

E. M. Krainova

Mozorovskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital; I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Clinical Institute of Children’s Health named N.F. Filatov, Moscow

Russian Federation


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