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The article discusses a case of 4-year-old patient with a bilateral obstructive megaureter of a non-functioning left kidney and with the opening of this kidney ureter into the urethra with extravasal location of a giant ureterocele. The malformation of the urinary system was accompanied by a comorbid disease of bronchopulmonary system in the form of tuberculosis of the lungs and intra-thoracic lymph nodes. At the age of one month, due to decompensation of the only functioning right kidney, urine was withdrawn by applying a ureterostomy. Later, a proximal lateral cutaneous ureterostomy was put because of social reasons (mother refused of her baby). In two months, the next step was performed - a ureterocystoneostomy by the Cohen’s antireflux technique. After a long-term treatment for tuberculosis in clinics of Tver and St. Petersburg, at the age of 4, the girl was operated on at the first surgical department at St-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University. Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy on the left with conversion to lower-middle laparotomy and resection of the terminal part of the left ureter with a giant ectopic ureterocele as well as closure of the ureterocutaneostomy on the right were performed. After stabilization, the child was transferred to a children’s boarding school in Tver, and currently is supervised by pediatric urologists and TB specialists.

About the authors

G. N. Rumyantseva

Tver State Medical University; Children ‘s Regional Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

V. N. Kartashev

Tver State Medical University; Children ‘s Regional Clinical Hospital

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

M. V. Dolinina

Tver State Medical University; Children ‘s Regional Clinical Hospital

Email: marinadolinina89@yandeх.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9544-9588
Russian Federation

I. B. Osipov

St-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

A. I. Osipov

St-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation

L. A. Alekseeva

St-Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation


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