


Right-sided (right, in dextral position) aortic arch (RAA) is recorded in approximately 5% of esophageal atresia (EA) patients. This vascular abnormality may complicate the surgical treatment of EA and is still an unsolved problem in pediatric surgery. Conventional methods for determining the anatomy of the aortic arch do not always provide accurate data, which can lead to thoracotomy on the side of the aortic arch. Skills and preferences of the surgeon still determine the choice of surgical approach in EA patients with RAA. For most experienced surgeons, to make anastomosis of the esophagus in patients with RAA from right access is not so difficult. However, in EA patients with RAA, combined with the vascular ring, left-sided thoracotomy can make the final combined reconstruction technically simpler. In this scientific review, we sought to determine the prevalence rate of RAA in the population of EA patients, the level of pre-operative evaluation of this vascular anomaly, and the existing surgical strategies that consist in choosing the optimal side for access to the esophagus.


Yu. Kozlov

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education; Irkutsk State Medical University


V. Novozhilov

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital; Irkutsk State Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education - Branch Campus of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Professional Education; Irkutsk State Medical University


I. Veber

Irkutsk State Medical University


A. Rasputin

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital


K. Kovalkov

Regional Children Clinical Hospital


D. Chubko

Regional Children Hospital


P. Baradieva

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital


D. Zvonkov

Irkutsk State Medical University


A. Timofeev

Irkutsk State Medical University


Ch. Ochirov

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital


N. Rasputina

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital


G. Us

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital


N. Kuznetsova

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital


M. Kononenko

Ivano-Matreninskaya Children’s Clinical Hospital



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