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Background. The severity of patients with concomitant injuries under time constraints determines the need for a rapid adequate assessment of life-threatening syndromes and their sequential alleviation. Most common mistakes are made in the diagnosis of ongoing bleeding and shock. Objective. The improvement results of the treatment of children with concomitant injuries. Material and methods. Post-hoc analysis of the treatment of 239 children with abdominal injuries within concomitant injuries. Results. The development of the algorithm for a surgeon to diagnose and to treat concomitant injuries. Conclusions. The high-priority problem in patients with concomitant injuries is life- saving by revealing and alleviation of life-threatening syndromes (acute respiratory failure, ongoing bleeding and brain herniation with vital disorders). The diagnosis and treatment of injuries should be realized with the elimination of all possible prerequisites for the revealed syndrome, taking into account the degree of the urgency of administration of the emergency measures. Non-life-threatening injuries should be treated only after the stabilization of the hemodynamic state.

About the authors

D. G. Kiladze

St. Mary Magdalene Children’s City Hospital No. 2

Author for correspondence.
Email: djumbery.k@mail.ru
Russian Federation

S. V. Aleksandrov

St. Mary Magdalene Children’s City Hospital No. 2

Email: noemail@neicon.ru
Russian Federation


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