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Our aim is to evaluate the possibilities and effectiveness of computed tomography (CT) in a complex of the examination of patients with chronic recurrent hematogenic osteomyelitis of tubular bones. The effectiveness of the CT use in a complex of examination of 60 chronic recurrent hematogenous osteomyelitis of tubular bones in patients aged from 7 to 22 years was analyzed in the work. CT, in contrast to the survey X-ray, made it possible to more accurately determine the true dimensions of the destructive process in the affected bone. In all cases, CT surpassed traditional radiography in the identifying small sequesters promoting chronic inflammation and causing a persistently recurrent course of the disease. With the help of CT, delineated foci of destruction, i.e., intraosseous abscesses, were clearly visualized, whereas with the plain X-ray this substrate was not detected. The obtained data show the high resolution of the CT, to provide with complete information on pathomorphological changes in the bone. This seems extremely important for planning treatment tactics and choosing the amount of surgical intervention.

About the authors

A. M. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

Zh. A. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Russian Federation

S. S. Zainiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Russian Federation


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