Acute appendicitis complicated by peritonitis in a premature newborn: a clinical observation

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Acute appendicitis in premature newborns (AAPI) is very rare and is described as isolated observations. Symptoms and clinical picture of AAPI are similar to those of other acute abdominal diseases in premature newborns. Its diagnosis before surgery is one of the complex problems of neonatal surgery. This pathology is detected accidentally during surgery for other diseases.


We present a rare clinical case of acute appendicitis complicated by peritonitis in a premature newborn aged 11 days, weighing 1200 g. After a clinical and radiological examination with a diagnosis of necrotic enterocolitis (NEC), perforation of a hollow organ, laparocentesis and drainage of the abdominal cavity were performed. After stabilization of the condition, gangrenous perforated appendicitis was diagnosed during laparotomy 3 days later, and appendectomy was performed.

Results. Recovery according to surgical pathology. On the 13th day, the patient was transferred to the department of pathology of premature babies for nursing. The child in satisfactory condition was discharged home at the age of 1 month weighing 2250 g.


The use of laparocentesis and drainage of the abdominal cavity with subsequent laparotomy and appendectomy improved the results of treatment of OANN.

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About the authors

Aitbay Gumerov

Ufa Bashkir State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6183-8286
SPIN-code: 7615-7568

профессор кафедры Детская хирургия

Россия, 3 Lenina street, 450000 Ufa, Republic of Bashkiria, Russia;


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