


Introduction. Patients with the short bowel syndrome often have intestinal dilatation which impairs intestinal functions. Changes in the muscle intestinal layers, which cause this condition, are not studied well yet. Purpose. To study the role of small intestine muscle layers in the intestinal adaptation and dilatation in the short bowel syndrome. Materials and methods. 22 rats were taken into the experimental trial; short bowel syndrome was modelled in 12 of them; 10 other rats which had only laparotomy were in the control group. The diameter and thickness of muscle layers in the small intestine and ileum were studied. Results. In the short bowel syndrome, one can observe a significant dilatation of the small intestine and ileum. Thickness of longitudinal and circular layers of the small intestine was significantly larger in rats with the short bowel syndrome in comparison to the control group. In the ileum, only the circular muscle layer was hypertrophied; there was no difference in the thickness of longitudinal muscle layer in rats with the short bowel syndrome and in rats from the control group. Conclusion. In rats with the short bowel syndrome, morphological changes occur not only in the mucous layer, but also in muscle layers of the small intestine what is manifested by the intestinal dilatation and hypertrophy of muscle layers. These changes are results of intestinal adaptation and are pathophysiological for the short bowel syndrome.


R. Khasanov

Department of Pediatric Surgery with a course of additional vocational education, Bashkir State Medical University; Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of Mannheim, Clinical Faculty of Heidelberg


D. Svoboda

Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of Mannheim, Clinical Faculty of Heidelberg


M. Kohl

Department of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, University Medical Center Schleswig- Holstein


A. Gumerov

Department of Pediatric Surgery with a course of additional vocational education, Bashkir State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6183-8286

V. Vagapova

Department of Human Anatomy of Bashkir State Medical University


R. Gumerov

Department of Pediatric Surgery with a course of additional vocational education, Bashkir State Medical University


L. Wessel

Department of Pediatric Surgery, University of Mannheim, Clinical Faculty of Heidelberg



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