


Purpose. To improve outcomes of congenital inguinal hernia treatment in children by improving a technique of extracorporal herniorrhaphy and by ligature guide modification. Outcomes after surgeries performed with different techniques were assessed by the level of postoperative pain and by the quality of life. Material and methods. Outcomes were analyzed in 60 children operated on for inguinal hernia with 3 different approaches: Duhamel, LASSO, LOD . The intensity of postoperative pain syndrome was assessed 4 hours after surgery and on the next postoperative day. The quality of life was assessed in 24 patients out of 60 on the next postoperative day. Results. The analysis on distribution to normality for postoperative pain did not reveal any statistical differences on sex, age and diagnosis. Boys (average age 69.6 - 84 months) prevailed. In 4 hours after the surgery, patients who had laparoscopic intervention had less number of scores in comparison to those who had open herniorrhaphy. There were no difference in laparoscopic groups. On the next postoperative day, pain syndrome in all groups was about the same. The quality of life in patients differed only by their physical status and by the total number of scores; and these parameters were higher in LOD group (32.8 scores versus 89.4 scores). Conclusion. A modified LOD technique improves the quality of life in operated patients. Four hours after laparoscopic herniorrhaphy, a pain syndrome is less pronounced.


A. Stolyar

Tyumen State Medical University; Regional Clinical Hospital No 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0704-5418

M. Aksel'rov

Tyumen State Medical University; Regional Clinical Hospital No 2

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6814-8894

V. Mal'chevskiy

Tyumen State Medical University; Tyumen Scientific Centre SB RAS

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1308-2899


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