- 作者: Nurmeev I.N.1,2,3, Zikova M.A.2, Mirolubov L.M.1,2, Podshivalin A.A.2
- Kazan Medical University
- Children's Republican Clinical Hospital
- Kazan Privolzhky Federal University
- 期: 卷 24, 编号 4 (2020)
- 页面: 244-248
- ##submission.dateSubmitted##: 05.03.2021
- ##submission.datePublished##: 05.09.2020
- URL: https://jps-nmp.ru/jour/article/view/236
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18821/1560-9510-2020-24-4-244-248
- ID: 236
Introduction. Lymphangiomas (lymphatic malformations) are benign vascular formations that develop from the lymphatic vessels and locate at the intermediate position between tumor and malformation [1,2,3]. The lack of unified algorithm in the treatment of lymphangiomas and a variety of operative and conservative techniques used with a high percentage of relapses leave the problem of treating lymphangiomas open. Material and methods. This article demonstrates outcomes of surgical treatment of lymphangiomas in soft tissues in newborns after they were treated with a technique developed and patented by the authors (Patent No 2711257 dated 15.01.2020*). The technique for treating lymphangiomas with video endoscopic component allows to simultaneously and radically remove tumors in children (including newborns) with minimally invasive approach. 10 surgical interventions were performed with the discussed technique. Results. In all cases the result was a complete radical simultaneous removal of soft tissue lymphangiomas under video control. The proposed curative technique is considered to be the most reasonable one due to its radical nature and good cosmetic effect when removing superficially located lymphangiomas. Discussion. A persistent high risk of recurrences dictates a search for the improvement of existing techniques and for the optimal combination of various tactics in treating lymphangiomas. In these group of patients, an important strategy is to have a personalized approach in each case. In our experience, a surgical intervention is the only technique for treating lymphangiomas of superficial location. This technique leads to simultaneous and radical removal of pathological formations within healthy tissues. Conclusions. Mostly important advantages of the discussed technique for treating lymphangiomas are: 1) A proper visualization of the formation and its complete removal what reduces the risk of relapses and lymphorrhea in the postoperative period. 2) Minimal tissue damage which leads to more rapid rehabilitation, less intensity of postoperative pain as well to less anesthesia support and less recovery period after surgery. 3) Better cosmetic effects.
I. Nurmeev
Kazan Medical University; Children's Republican Clinical Hospital; Kazan Privolzhky Federal University
Email: nurmeev@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1023-1158
M. Zikova
Children's Republican Clinical Hospital
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1237-3547
L. Mirolubov
Kazan Medical University; Children's Republican Clinical Hospital
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
A. Podshivalin
Children's Republican Clinical Hospital
Email: noemail@neicon.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4296-824X
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