A technique of transdermal laser coagulation for treating skin venous dysplasia in children



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   Introduction. Venous malformation is a congenital vascular disease of venous blood flow system which is met in ratio 1–2 cases per 10 000 population. The clinical picture depends on the diameter of affected vessels, their extension and on possible complications. The disease is diagnosed both at birth and later. It has a slowly progressing course. Among current techniques applied for treating skin venous malformations, the most promising one is laser transdermal coagulation with wavelength 1064 nm.

   Material and methods. The article describes two clinical cases of external venous malformation treated with Nd:YAG transdermal laser coagulation using Aerolase laser device, Micropulse technology, pulse duration 650 microseconds.

   Results. The technique of transdermal Nd:YAG laser coagulation on the Aerolase apparatus has been used in our department since February 2021 to the present. In total, for the period from 2021 to May 2023, 98 patients with venous malformations of various localization were treated with this method. In all clinical cases, a stable positive result was achieved, consisting in a decrease in the number of pathological vessels and the area of the lesion, or its complete disappearance. According to the results of treatment, no complications were observed.

   Conclusion. Laser coagulation of pathological venous vessels of external location is an effective and safe modality for treating children of any age.


O. Bychkova

Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital (RDKB)

Email: kasana@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4889-1511

Oksana S. Bychkova, MD, surgeon

department of laser surgery




A. Roshchupkina

Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital (RDKB)

Email: fake@neicon.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0244-4679




I. Kuzetchenko

Russian Children’s Clinical Hospital (RDKB)

Email: fake@neicon.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2015-8222





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