Vol 27, No 2 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Published: 21.06.2023
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://jps-nmp.ru/jour/issue/view/41

Laparoscopic splenectomy in children – а 25-years of experience
Introduction. Currently, the most successful option for treating benign hematological diseases of the spleen in children is splenectomy.
Material and methods. In the article, the authors present their 25-year clinical experience in performing laparoscopic splenectomy in children with various diseases of the spleen. They discuss different techniques for surgical treatment of spleen diseases, features of preoperative preparation, current literature data.
Results. The accumulated experience in laparoscopic surgeries for spleen removal, application of modern electrosurgical equipment and instruments for extracting tissues from the abdominal cavity have significantly reduced surgical time, improved cosmetic outcomes and quality of life of patients in the postoperative period. Somatostatin, prescribed right before the surgery and at the early postoperative period, prevents development of pancreatitis and erosive bleeding from the stump of the spleen pedicle in the vast majority of patients.
Conclusion. The obtained catamnestic data demonstrate that laparoscopic surgery for spleen removal has its advantages. It is a safe, little-traumatic, effective and cosmetically good option for surgical spleen management in children.

Outcomes after staged surgical treatment of children with ileocecal lesions and active extensive inflammation in Crohn’s disease
Introduction. Crohn’s disease is characterized with transmural lesion of the gastrointestinal tract which is frequently localized in the ileocecal region. Despite the achievements in medicamentous therapy, 15–45% of children have to be operated on within 5 years after the diagnosis is verified.
Purpose. To substantiate the efficacy of two-stage surgical treatment of children with Crohn’s disease , ileocecal lesion and active extensive inflammation.
Material and methods. A single-stage retrospective-prospective study included 43 children with ileocecal lesions and advanced colitis. Two-stage surgical treatment was performed. In the preoperative period, the following parameters were assessed: physical state, clinical activity, anemia and the level of hypoalbuminemia as well as inflammation markers, findings at endoscopy and MRI. Indications for surgical treatment were strictures in the ileocecal region, endoscopic and clinical activity and colon lesion and / or purulent-septic lesions in the perianal region. 39 (90.7 %) children had laparoscopically-assisted surgeries. 4 (9.3 %) children underwent conversions due to a pronounced infiltrative process in the abdominal cavity.
Results. Lengths of hospitalization for children with stoma varied from 5 to 20 months (median 8 months). PCDAI index: in 25 (57.8 %) high activity, in 18 (41.2 %) moderate activity. After surgical intervention: 7 (16.2%) children had mild course, 36 children (p < 0.05) SES-CD before surgery – all children had high endoscopic activity. In the postoperative period by Rutgeerts scale findings, there was a statistically significant positive dynamics (p = 0.011). Anthropometric parameters (HAZ p < 0.05; BAZ p < 0.001) and laboratory findings (p < 0.001) were statistically significant for positive dynamics too.
In the postoperative period: 5 (11.6 %) children developed ligature fistulas; 2 children (4.6 %) had narrowed intestinal anastomosis without passage disorders; 2 (4.6 %) children developed acute adhesive intestinal obstruction. In foreign and Russian publications, postoperative complications were reported in 6 % to 29 %.
Conclusions. Crohn’s disease has led to chronic anemia, hypoalbuminemia, chronic bacterial inflammation, reduced physical growth and worsen quality of life. After the two-stage surgical treatment, the statistical analysis demonstrated a significant improvement in mass-growth, laboratory and endoscopic parameters.

Effects of osmotic diuretics at the water-electrolyte metabolism in the management of children with traumatic intracranial hypertension
Introduction. A comparative study on the effects of osmotic diuretics (OD) at parameters of water-electrolyte metabolism in children with brain injury was conducted. The researchers analyzed these effects depending on the treatment algorithm whether it was done by the Protocol or by generally accepted indications.
Material and methods. 51 case-histories of children with severe, combined TBI were taken for the analysis. The patients were treated with osmotic diuretics (OD) to relieve intracranial hypertension (ICH). All patients were divided into two groups: Group 1 ( studied group) – 25 children enrolled prospectively. In this group, OD were administered according to the Protocol. Group 2 (control group) – 26 children (retrospective group). In this group, OD was administered according to the accepted clinical recommendations.
Results. As it has been revealed, OD in the control group (Group 2) were used 8.7 % more often than in patients from Group 1 at Step 3 of the Protocol. In patients from Group 2, hypernatremia and hyperosmolarity had more persistent and pronounced type; such tendency persisted for the next 5–7 days of the study. However, there were no statistically significant differences between the groups in average values of sodium levels and osmolarity of blood plasma under ICH therapy. The conducted statistical analysis has shown that the lack of reliable differences is associated with a significant variance of analyzed indicators in Group 2. At the same time, we registered a statistically significant increase (p < 0.05) of unfavorable outcomes in Group 2 by 24.9 %.
Conclusion. Regular and rationally frequent administration of osmotic diuretics leads to less persistent violations of water-electrolyte metabolism. A prerequisite for the effective management of traumatic ICP in children is monitoring the intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP).

Problems and prospects in the treatment of various forms of pigmented nevi in children (a literature review)
Introduction. Pigmented nevi (PN) are formations in the skin layers which consist of accumulated melanocytes of various differentiation degrees and located in different layers of the skin. In modern society, this pathology causes serious medical and psychological problems; not infrequently , one can see unsatisfactory clinical and aesthetic outcomes. There is no any clear tactics which could take into account PN forms, location and child’s age.
Purpose. To study modern problems and to outline prospects for treating various PN forms in children using the information obtained after literature search for the period 2005–2022.
Material and methods. The authors made the literature search in domestic and foreign databases for the period 2005–2022. The following key words were used for the search: benign melanocytic skin lesions; pigmented nevus; laser radiation. 1627 literature sources were studied, 87 works were included in the review.
Results. Despite of various techniques used for PN removal, unsatisfactory results are still noted in 41 % of patients with a complication rate of up to 50 %. After implementation laser scalpel for PN removal, complications in the form of hypertrophic and keloid scars were noted in 2–5 % of patients, postoperative hyperemia- in 21 % of cases, hyperpigmentation in 13 % and hypopigmentation in 34 %. The present review outlines advantages and disadvantages of various modalities used for removing PN. The authors also underline that the most promising ones are laser techniques in which laser light has a specific selectivity to pigmented tissues. The article has no information on parameters of laser irradiation which are required for treating definite forms of PN in children.
Conclusion. Further research is needed to optimize existing and to develop new laser light techniques for treating various PN forms which should bring a significant improvement in outcomes.

Treatment of burn complications in the esophagus caused by button batteries in children (a literature review)
Introduction. Over the past 10 years, the number of severe and fatal cases of burns in the esophagus caused by button batteries in children has increased significantly. The tactics of managing children with complications after such burns has not been defined worldwide yet; few clinical cases are described in Russian sources.
Material and methods. The literature search has covered databases of RSCI, Medline and GoogleScholar published in 1983–2022. More than 350 publications on this topic have been analyzed.
Results. Electrolysis is recognized as the main mechanism of tissue destruction, which is accompanied by the development of colliquative necrosis in the area of negative pole of the battery. The National Capital Poison Center, Washington, USA, recommends to neutralize burns with honey and 0.25 % acetic acid solution. The most optimal tactics for managing tracheoesophageal fistulas caused by batteries is to perform laparoscopic fundoplication and gastrostomy, as a result of which spontaneous closure of the fistula may occur. In case of large defects and patient’s severe unstable condition more complicated reconstructive interventions have to be done. Esophageal stenoses should be treated with bougienage, and perforations are preferably treated conservatively. In case of laryngeal paresis or paralysis, laryngoscopy is required at the early stage so as to understand if tracheostomy is better instead of tracheal intubation. Esophageal aortic fistulas require aggressive surgical tactics even in the absence of visible bleeding.
Conclusion. Currently, there is no common management strategy in any of the possible complications. Further statistical analysis of clinical cases and assessment of existing conservative and surgical techniques are needed; development of new surgical techniques to be applied in patients with abovementioned pathology is needed as well. Rational diagnostics and curative tactics will reduce high mortality rate and improve the quality of life of such patients.

A technique of transdermal laser coagulation for treating skin venous dysplasia in children
Introduction. Venous malformation is a congenital vascular disease of venous blood flow system which is met in ratio 1–2 cases per 10 000 population. The clinical picture depends on the diameter of affected vessels, their extension and on possible complications. The disease is diagnosed both at birth and later. It has a slowly progressing course. Among current techniques applied for treating skin venous malformations, the most promising one is laser transdermal coagulation with wavelength 1064 nm.
Material and methods. The article describes two clinical cases of external venous malformation treated with Nd:YAG transdermal laser coagulation using Aerolase laser device, Micropulse technology, pulse duration 650 microseconds.
Results. The technique of transdermal Nd:YAG laser coagulation on the Aerolase apparatus has been used in our department since February 2021 to the present. In total, for the period from 2021 to May 2023, 98 patients with venous malformations of various localization were treated with this method. In all clinical cases, a stable positive result was achieved, consisting in a decrease in the number of pathological vessels and the area of the lesion, or its complete disappearance. According to the results of treatment, no complications were observed.
Conclusion. Laser coagulation of pathological venous vessels of external location is an effective and safe modality for treating children of any age.

Primary torsion of the appendix in a 10-year-old child
Introduction. Torsion of the appendix is a rare pathology with unclear pathogenesis. The article describes clinical manifestations, diagnostics and surgical management of the distorted appendix in a child.
Observation. A 10-year-old boy was admitted to the hospital with pain in the right iliac region and repeated vomiting. During examination, acute appendicitis was diagnosed. At laparoscopy, appendix torsion was revealed; its detorsion and laparoscopic removal were performed. Intraoperatively, it was found out that the mesentery had narrow base , while the process length was about 7 cm; such a combination under developing inflammatory changes in the process could contribute to its torsion.
Conclusion. Torsion of the appendix in children has a clinical, laboratory and echographic picture of the destructive appendicitis. Laparoscopy allows to timely clarify the pathology nature and to timely perform appendectomy.

Torsion of the vermiform process: clinical observations
Introduction. Torsion of the appendix is an extremely rare pathology in both adults and children. In this article, the authors report about two cases of appendix torsion which were revealed intraoperatively.
Case description. Clinical observation 1: A 2-year-old boy was admitted to the surgical department with suspected acute appendicitis. On examination, the entire abdominal region was painful, the symptom of passive muscle defense was noted on the right. Ultrasound examination revealed changes in the appendix. Intraoperatively, torsion of the appendix was detected. Laparoscopic appendectomy was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful. Clinical observation 2: A 5-year-old boy was admitted to the surgical department with complaints of abdominal pain. Physical examination revealed the clinical picture of acute abdomen. At ultrasound examination, signs of altered appendix were seen. During diagnostic laparoscopy, torsion of the appendix was detected. Laparoscopic appendectomy was performed. The postoperative course was uneventful.
Conclusion. The discussed two clinical cases indicate the necessity to include torsion of the appendix in the list of diagnoses for differential diagnostics in case of acute abdomen.

A technique for laparoscopic varicocelectomy in children with ICG fluorescent lymphography
Introduction. Laparoscopic varicocelectomy by the Palomo-Erokhin technique is one of the most common approaches for treating varicocele in children, but postoperative hydrocele is still a major complication after it. The authors present a novel technique of lymphography with indocyanine green (ICG).
Material and methods. A case of a boy, aged 13, with grade 3 varicocele accompanied by hypotrophy of the left testicle and pain in the left half of the scrotum is described in the article. He was operated on laparoscopically by the Palomo–Erokhin technique using RUBINA manufactured by Karl Storz company. After placing trocars under the tunica albicans of the left testicle, 6.5 mg ICG fluorescent solution was injected. Lymphatic vessels were clearly identified on ICG images. The testicular vein was separated from the vascular bundle, then ligated and transected.
Results. Intratesticular ICG injection and fluorescent images allowed to identify all lymphatic vessels. Surgery lasted for 25 minutes. No allergies or other adverse reactions caused by ICG were registered. In 6 months, there were no signs of recurrence and hydrocele formation.
Conclusion. Our initial experience has shown that fluorescent lymphography with ICG is a safe and effective technique for lymph-sparing laparoscopic varicocelectomy in children, when using the Palomo-Erokhin technique.

The DAMAGE CONTROL technique applied in a child injured in a traffic accident after intraabdominal bleeding relapse
EDITORIAL COMMENT. This clinical observation presents an effective application of elements of the abdominal damage-control tactics after postoperative intra-abdominal bleeding relapse under developed coagulopathy and previously underestimated liver damage during surgery. If an “unstable” patient with prolonged internal bleeding is admitted, it is recommended to apply this tactics in the primary surgical intervention with liver packing which would prevent postoperative bleeding and further development of coagulopathy. After patient’s hemodynamics is stabilized, it is necessary to make a complete patient’s examination so as to timely detect all associated injuries.
Introduction. Closed trauma of abdominal organs in children in some cases is accompanied by severe complications or death. At the same time, liver injury occupies a leading place in the structure of the abovementioned pathology. Currently, in case of severe injuries of the abdominal organs accompanied by unstable hemodynamics and with a high risk of unfavorable outcomes after radical surgical intervention, surgeons prefer to apply the damage control technique in such patients.
Material and methods. The authors discuss a case of successful management of a child injured in a traffic accident. He had multiple closed liver injuries of class III and hemorrhagic shock of degree 3. The DAMAGE CONTROL technique was applied during relaparotomy after intra- abdominal bleeding relapse developed.
Results. In this given case, the damage control technique has promoted a successful outcome after staged surgical treatment without any complications in the immediate and late postoperative periods.
Conclusion. In case of abdominal cavity trauma in children having hemorrhagic shock and prolonged bleeding from liver wounds, the damage control technique promotes stabilization of patient’s state, arrests bleeding and gives precious time to finish surgical intervention in more favorable situation for both patients and surgeons.

The current state of diagnostics and management of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract in children
Introduction. Foreign body aspiration (FBA) into the respiratory tract is a severe, life-threatening condition in children which requires urgent medical and diagnostic measures.
Purpose. To study outcomes after FBA diagnostics and treatment in children and to develop an algorithm for diagnosing foreign bodies in the respiratory tract in this group of patients.
Material and methods. Outcomes in 86 children who were hospitalized with suspected foreign bodies in their respiratory tract to the Clinic of Pediatric Surgery in Marat Ospanov West Kazakhstan Medical University, Aktobe, Republic of Kazakhstan in 2018–2022.
Results. In 73 children, out of 86, FBA was confirmed. Distribution of children with FBA by age was as follows: less than one year – 5 (6.8 %) children; 1–3 years – 46 (63.1 %); 3–5 years – 7 (9.6 %), over 5 years – 15 (20.5 %). Localization of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract was as follows: larynx –6; trachea – 10, right main bronchus –26, left main bronchus – 30, both lower lobe bronchi – 1. The revealed foreign bodied were : peanuts – 24 (32.8 %) cases, sunflower seed – 13 (17.8 %), fountain pen cap – 7 (9.6 %), plastic toy part – 5 (6.8 %), fish bone – 5 (6.8 %), stationery carnation – 4 (5.5 %), bone – 4 (5.5 %), small rock – 4 (5.5 %), carrot – 3 (4.2 %), tooth – 2 (2.7 %), bead – 1 (1.4 %), food masses –1 (1.4 %). In the diagnostics of foreign bodies, anamnesis, clinical examination, radiation and endoscopic diagnostic techniques were of great importance. On analyzing the obtained clinical material, the researchers developed their own algorithm for FBA diagnosis. Foreign bodies were removed with rigid bronchoscopy in 55 children, with fibrobronchoscopy in 9 children, direct laryngoscopy – in 6 cases, at thoracotomy and bronchotomy – in 3 children. There were no complications associated with the removal of foreign bodies.
Conclusions. Foreign bodies in the respiratory tract are met most often in children , aged 1–3. In doubtful cases, MSCT was used in addition to traditional diagnostic methods. It allows to exclude or identify foreign bodies invisible at X-ray images. FBA removal should be performed at the third level medical institutions.