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Purpose. To improve the quality of treatment of patients with liver echinococcosis by optimizing postoperative chemotherapy. Material and methods. 226 patients with liver echinococcosis were admitted to the surgical department of the 2nd Clinic of the Samarkand State Medical Institute in 2009-2017. Patients were divided into two groups. In 2009-2012, 112 (49.5%) patients were operated on and were included into a control group. In 2013-2017, 114 (50.5%) patients were followed -up and were included into a study group. In the control group, postoperative chemotherapy was made by the standard protocol. In the studied group, Albendazole dosage was corrected according to the initial functional state of the liver. Due to positive findings in the experimental group, Albendazole was used at the dosage 5 mg / kg / day in patients with verified chronic liver disease and if liver enzymes were elevated before surgery. Results. Adverse reactions of Albendazole chemotherapy, by clinical and laboratory parameters, could develop in 52.7% - due to the preparation toxic effect and concomitant chronic diffuse liver pathology- while under dose correction, this figure is reduced to 18.3%. Conclusion. The proposed dose correction in patients with signs of liver insufficiency normalizes biochemical parameters and reduces toxic manifestations during chemotherapy. Of these 144 patients, long-term observations revealed echinococcosis relapse in 6 (4.2%) patients.

About the authors

A. M. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

J. A. Shamsiev

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Russian Federation

K. E. Rakhmanov

Samarkand State Medical Institute

Russian Federation


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