Penile agenesis (afallia) in pueros
- Authors: Kagantsov I.M.1,2, Dubrov V.I.3, Sizonov V.V.4,5, Bairov V.G.1, Sukhotskaya A.A.1
- Institute of Perinatology and Pediatrics, Almazov National Medical Research Centre
- Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University
- 2nd City Children’s Clinical Hospital
- Rostov-on-Don Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital
- Rostov State Medical University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 4 (2021)
- Pages: 260-266
- Section: REVIEWS
- Submitted: 21.09.2021
- Accepted: 21.09.2021
- Published: 21.09.2021
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 349
Cite item
Introduction. Penile agenesis (aphallia) is an extremely rare congenital defect characterized by the complete absence of the penis in a child with a male karyotype 46XY.
Material. The analysis of the literature on keywords in the Pubmed and Medline databases was carried out.
Results. The incidence of aphallia is estimated 1 out of 10-40 million newborn boys. Aphallia, in spite of its rarity, is a congenital defect which is thoroughly described in the medical literature. The combination of agenesis of the penis with other congenital anomalies often leads to death in such children. Currently, it is believed that these patients should be left with their genetic male sex, therefore, there is a difficult dilemma of choosing the optimal method and age for creating the neophallus and neourethra.
Conclusions. The rarity of the aphallia determines the lack of publications covering the long-term results of phalloplasty in both children and adults.
About the authors
I. M. Kagantsov
Institute of Perinatology and Pediatrics, Almazov National Medical Research Centre;Pitirim Sorokin Syktyvkar State University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3957-1615
Ilya M. Kagantsov, MD, Dr.Sc. (med), associate professor, chief researcher at the laboratory for surgical correction of congenital and hereditary pathologies at the Institute of Perinatology and Pediatrics in the Almazov National Medical Research Center; professor at department of surgery in the Pitirim Sorokin State University
197341, St. Petersburg,
Syktyvkar, 167001
РоссияV. I. Dubrov
2nd City Children’s Clinical Hospital
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3705-1288
Minsk, 167000
БелоруссияV. V. Sizonov
Rostov-on-Don Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital;Rostov State Medical University
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9145-8671
344015, Rostov-on-Don,
344022, Rostov-on-Don
РоссияV. G. Bairov
Institute of Perinatology and Pediatrics, Almazov National Medical Research Centre
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8446-830X
St-Petersburg, 197349
РоссияA. A. Sukhotskaya
Institute of Perinatology and Pediatrics, Almazov National Medical Research Centre
St-Petersburg, 197349
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