Gynecological diseases in children and adolescents with the acute abdomen syndrome

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Objective. The differential diagnostics of gynecological diseases with a picture of acute abdomen and acute appendicitis may be challenging and can cause a variety of complications, impaired reproductive function and infertility.

Purpose. To assess outcomes after diagnosing and treating girls with the syndrome of “acute abdomen” in whom an acute gynecological pathology was revealed.

Material and methods. Case histories of 85 girls with gynecological diseases who were hospitalized to the emergency surgical department of Children City Clinical Hospital No 9 in Yekaterinburg are analyzed. All children were admitted to the emergency department with a picture of “acute abdomen”.

Results. All children were operated on laparoscopically, and the cause of their acute abdominal syndrome was clarified. Acute inflammatory diseases of the uterine adnexa prevailed in the structure of causes (59%). In 21% of cases, there was uterine adnexa torsion . The rest of children had apoplexy (11%) and ovarian cysts (9%).

Conclusion. The differential diagnostics of acute appendicitis and acute gynecological pathologies is difficult due to various and similar clinical symptoms. Laparoscopy can not only identify the cause of pain syndrome, but also can help to chose a future curative tactics .

About the authors

I. S. Schneider

Ural State Medical University

Yekaterinburg, 620028 Россия

N. A. Tsap

Ural State Medical University;
Children City Clinical Hospital No 9

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9050-3629

Natalia А. Tsap, MD, Dr.Sc.(med), professor, chief of pediatric surgery chair

Yekaterinburg, 620028; 
Yekaterinburg, 620093



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