Vol 24, No 6 (2020)
Outcomes of esophagoplasty in children (a 14-year experience)
Introduction. The authors analyze the effectiveness of one-stage esophageal plasty in children. They consider -from different points of view- possible problems accompanying such surgical interventions as well as complications and high mortality.
Material and methods. The article summarizes outcomes after esophagoplasty in 61 patient who were at the surgical department of the Center for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery (Almaty, Kazakhstan) during 2006–2020 (June). Among them there were 24 (38%) children after the first stage of cervical esophagostomy combined with gastrostomy in esophageal atresia; 34 (56%) children had decompensated post-burn esophageal stricture and after ineffective conservative treatment; 1 (2%) patient had esophageal varicose veins because of the portal hypertension syndrome with formed cicatricial esophageal stricture and with high risk for bougienage; 2 (4%) patients had an extended peptic stricture of the esophagus as a complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease (Barrett esophagus).
Results. One-stage coloesophagoplasty was performed in 44 (72%) children. Gastroesophagoplasty with the whole stomach transposition was performed in 12 (20%) children with esophageal atresia; in 3 (5%) - replacement for post-burn cicatricial stenosis and in 1 (2%) - because of varicose veins in the esophagus.
Conclusion. The choice of esophagoplasty technique should be individualized depending on patient’s general state, on pathological lesions in the esophagus as well as on previous surgeries on the abdominal organs, if any.

Gynecological diseases in children and adolescents with the acute abdomen syndrome
Objective. The differential diagnostics of gynecological diseases with a picture of acute abdomen and acute appendicitis may be challenging and can cause a variety of complications, impaired reproductive function and infertility.
Purpose. To assess outcomes after diagnosing and treating girls with the syndrome of “acute abdomen” in whom an acute gynecological pathology was revealed.
Material and methods. Case histories of 85 girls with gynecological diseases who were hospitalized to the emergency surgical department of Children City Clinical Hospital No 9 in Yekaterinburg are analyzed. All children were admitted to the emergency department with a picture of “acute abdomen”.
Results. All children were operated on laparoscopically, and the cause of their acute abdominal syndrome was clarified. Acute inflammatory diseases of the uterine adnexa prevailed in the structure of causes (59%). In 21% of cases, there was uterine adnexa torsion . The rest of children had apoplexy (11%) and ovarian cysts (9%).
Conclusion. The differential diagnostics of acute appendicitis and acute gynecological pathologies is difficult due to various and similar clinical symptoms. Laparoscopy can not only identify the cause of pain syndrome, but also can help to chose a future curative tactics .

Reconstructive surgeries on the larynx and cervical trachea in children
Introduction. One of the urgent problems in pediatric surgery and otorhinolaryngology is stenosis of the upper respiratory tract in children. Among many causes leading to airway narrowing , basic ones are: cicatricial stenosis, bilateral vocal cord paralysis and volumetric formations.
Diagnostics. Currently, fibroscopy of the upper respiratory tract is a gold standard of this pathology examination.
Methods. There are many surgical techniques to treat upper airway stenosis, but currently there is no any unified approach to the choice of surgical tactics. The given article presents an overview on modern techniques of reconstructive surgery which have demonstrated good and excellent results and a high percentage of decannulation. Among them, there are two basic ones - endoluminal surgery and open surgery. Recently, reports on the effectiveness of microsurgical interventions have been published , namely, reinnervation of the larynx to restore vocal cords. The most effective endoscopic surgeries in pediatrics are balloon dilation, bougienage and CO2- laser treatment. Patients with stenosis of stages III-IV, with extended stenosis, marked laryngomalacia, larynx and trachea deformity because of unsuccessful previous surgeries are recommended to have open reconstructive surgery. Laryngoplasty, laryngoplasty with T-tube and crico-tracheal resection are regarded as a choice option in case of ineffective previous surgeries.
Conclusion. Thus, type of surgical intervention, indications and patient’s age for surgery are chosen individually for each patient with upper respiratory tract stenosis.

Extracorporeal detoxification techniques in septic complications in children at the acute stage of severe combined injury
Relevance. The given literature review analyzes current approaches to the extracorporeal detoxification (ECD) in ICU in patients with sepsis. In case of severe polytrauma in a child, anatomical and physiological features of his/her organism, marked severity and rapid progression of multiple organ failure as well problems in taking anamnesis put specialists into a challenging situation. A pathogenetically differentiated approach to the choice of extracorporeal detoxification technique in the complex treatment of sepsis – with respect to the syndrome of endogenous intoxication - will increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures of intensive care in children at their acute stage after severe combined injury
Objective. To improve outcomes in children at the acute stage of severe combined injury by applying differentiated techniques for extracorporeal detoxification in septic complications .
Material and methods. The most common techniques were analyzed: hemosorption, plasmapheresis, prolonged veno-venous hemofiltration and hemodiafiltration.
Results. A large number of works have been published which confirm ECD effectiveness in adult patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. However, in the available literary sources, there are almost no information on the differentiated approach to various ECD techniques in children with severe combined injury who have traumatic endotoxicosis and multiple organ failure.
Conclusion. Clinical trials and prospective researches on practical aspects of extracorporeal treatment in pediatrics are priority and compulsory because of the gained world experience of its application in patients with septic endotoxicosis. This impels towards further clinical researches in this direction.





Clinical variants of abdominal surgical pathology in premature infants
Introduction. In the majority of cases, acute abdominal pathology in premature newborns masks as necrotizing enterocolitis and, if there are no signs of intestinal perforation, conservative therapy is prescribed. The article discusses rare forms of acute surgical pathology in premature newborns.
Clinical observations. In the first clinical case, a premature baby had an initial air leak syndrome (pneumothorax and pneumoperitoneum). The Meckel’s diverticulitis with perforation without peritonitis was found during surgery. In the second case, a newborn child with body weight 1160 grams on the 21st day of his life developed ileoileal intussusception. In the third case, a newborn child had the duodenal membrane which was excised on the 5th day of life. On the 11th postoperative day, a picture of perforated hollow organ in the abdominal cavity developed. Destructive appendicitis was found intra-operatively. All patients clinically recovered.
Conclusion. Ultrasound examination, as an early diagnostic option, can help to suspect a surgical pathology at an early stage. The described clinical cases are rare in pediatric surgeon’s practice but they require a cautious approach from both narrow clinical specialists and diagnostic specialists.

A tactics of surgical treatment of a lung echinococcal cyst ruptured into the bronchus
Relevance. The most severe complication of pulmonary echinococcosis is cyst rupture with contaminated leakage into the tracheobronchial tree.
Material and methods. A 10-year-old boy was admitted to the clinic with diagnosis of fibroatelectasis of the lower lobe of the right lung. Anamnesis revealed that the boy was not well for more than 2 years. His treatment in several hospitals did not have any positive effect. Fibrobronchoscopy was performed during which a fragment of chitinous membrane was found in the orifice of lower lobe bronchus. Histological examination confirmed pulmonary echinococcosis.
Results. A hydatid cyst in the projection of 9th and 10th segments of the lower lobe was revealed after thoracotomy on the right. Cystectomy with capitonage of the residual cavity was performed. Early postoperative period was uneventful. The child had conventional etiotropic therapy. A follow-up examination in 2 years with radiological and serological findings revealed no relapse of the disease. Child’s development corresponded to his age.
Conclusion. The description of this case indicates that it is extremely important to have a detailed information about disease manifestations. In case of long-lasting lung disease , a diagnostic tracheobronchoscopy is recommended since radiological signs in complicated pulmonary echinococcosis may be not informative.

A clinical case of surgical treatment of calyx diverticulum in a 12-year-old child
Introduction. Calyx diverticulum is a rather rare pathology in pediatric practice. In the structure of cystic kidney malformations, it amounts up to 12-15%. In most cases, the disease is asymptomatic. To make a differential diagnostics and to define a technique for surgical treatment, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging are used. Currently, puncture-sclerotic method and endosurgical (laparoscopic, retroperitoneoscopic) one can be successfully applied. The main purpose of this clinical observation is to illustrate that little-traumatic laparoscopic access to the kidney and plasma ablation of the diverticulum epithelial lining can be used to have successful outcomes.
Material and methods. The authors describe a clinical case of renal cavities in a 12-year-old boy - calyx diverticulum of the right kidney and a cyst of the left kidney - which were successfully treated with a combined approach when puncture and laparoscopic corrections were used depending on lesion’s chracteriatics.
Conclusion. A rational approach and substantiation of the applied surgical technique with plasma ablation of calyx diverticulum cavity allowed to obtain good results - cavity size was reduced and renal parenchyma was preserved what is important for future organ functioning.