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Aim of the study. The incidence of hypospadias increased by 2-3 times within the last 50 years. Changes in the frequency occurred mostly due to the gain of the distal isolated forms. The etiology of the majority of cases of the isolated hypospadias isn’t clear. The study of the origin hypospadias is at a stage of the search and assessment of the value of risk factors. The multifactorial pathology is supposed to be caused by changes in an organism of the mother, a placenta and environment factors. Our research is devoted to the assessment of placental factors in the formation of hypospadias. Material and Methods. We have performed a retrospective questionnaire among parents of 99 children with the isolated forms of hypospadias. The special attention was paid to the collecting of the family anamnesis, including data on diseases of reproductive organs, both at parents and at the immediate family in the male line and also data on a occupation, addictions (smoking) of parents. Information was also collected about the peculiarities of the course of the prenatal period and the outcome of childbirth. On the basis of the obtained data, an assessment of the influence of various “parental” factors on the formation of the isolated hypospadias forms in their sons is given. Results. In 4 out of 99 cases, the origin of isolated hypospadias has been caused by genetic deviations. Primary diseases of reproductive organs in parents have been noted as follow: in fathers in 18 of 95 cases, and in mothers in 12 cases. Most often the placenta pathology in the first trimester of pregnancy was shown by the threat of a spontaneous miscarriage (in 35 cases from 95). Placental disturbances during all pregnancy were accompanied by premature births in 25 cases. In 22 cases placental disorders were shown by a fetus arrest of development. Conclusions. In our research placental disturbances were the most frequent risk factors in the formation of the isolated hypospadias.

About the authors

V. V. Nikolaev

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Russian Children`s Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation

Y. N. Solontsov

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Russian Children`s Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation

A. A. Protasov

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University; Russian Children`s Clinical Hospital

Russian Federation


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