Vol 26, No 3 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Published: 17.07.2022
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://jps-nmp.ru/jour/issue/view/35
Laparoscopic treatment of vasorenal hydronephrosis in children using aberrant renal vessel transposition
The purpose of this article is to assess the immediate results of laparoscopic transposition of aberrant renal vessels as an effective alternative to pyeloplasty in the treatment of children with external obstruction of the pyeloureteral junction.
Material and methods. The laparoscopic vascular transposition technique was used in 3 children with hydronephrosis caused by aberrant renal vessels. The preoperative diagnostic examination included: ultrasound / Doppler scanning, radioisotope renal scanning and contrast computed urography. Renoscintigraphy showed that all patients had intermittent hydronephrosis (24–36 mm) and an obstructive pattern. In order to select patients in whom vascular transposition is possible, the diuretic loading test was made at the beginning of the surgery. During the surgery, accessory renal vessels were mobilized and moved upward, where they were fixed by "wrapping" with renal pelvis tissue.
Results. The median operative time was 59.0±10.2 minutes, and the median hospital stay was 3.6±0.5 days. There were no complications at the early observation period. At the follow-up (6.0–24.0 months), all patients showed a decrease in the degree of hydronephrosis and an improvement in excretory function at the renogram.
Conclusion. Preliminary results of the study have demonstrated safety and efficacy of laparoscopic repositioning of aberrant renal vessels for the treatment of hydronephrosis. A careful selection of patients through intraoperative functional tests is an important step to confirm indications for this procedure and to maintain its high success rate. Any concerns about the presence of additional internal stenosis of the pyeloureteral junction, of course, should transform this surgical intervention into the classic pyeloplasty.

Medical and epidemiological aspects of spleen injury in children in a megapolis
Introduction. The spleen is the most frequently injured abdominal organ in children. From the standpoint of the modern concept on the preventive and curative strategy, medical and epidemiological aspects of spleen injury in children in a metropolis are no less important than making a decision on performing surgery because of life-threatening indications.
Purpose. To find out medical and epidemiological features of spleen injury in children in a metropolis.
Material and methods. In 2013–2020, 518 children with injuries of the abdominal organs were treated in the Clinical and Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Trauma (CRIEPST). Of these, 213 children had spleen injury of varying severity. Gender, age of the injured children, mechanism, seasonality, severity, curative modalities and outcomes were analyzed.
Results. Spleen injury accounted for 41.1 % in the structure of abdominal injuries. Most often, such injuries were seen in boys (144; 67.6 %) and in the warm season; average age of children was 9.9 ± 3.1 years. As a rule, spleen injury was met in cases of severe polytrauma with high-energy mechanisms (catatrauma 31.5%, traffic accidents – 30.6 %). Falls from bicycle/scooter/skateboard accounted for 8.5 %; sports injuries – for 4.2%. 31.5% of children were treated surgically, including splenectomy – 24.4 %. If children were primarily hospitalized to a specialized hospital, the effectiveness of conservative treatment was 94.1 %.
Conclusion. Most often, spleen injury is diagnosed in children with polytrauma. It means that our basic attention should be focused on preventive measures so as to decrease the incidence of pediatric injuries as a result of road accidents and catatrauma. Primary hospitalization in a specialized hospital promotes the highest efficiency of conservative treatment in case of spleen injury in children.

Laparoscopic interventions in children with retroperitonial lymphatic malformations
Introduction. Lymphatic malformations (LM) is the developmental anomaly of lymphatic vessels which is formed at the stage of early embryogenesis. Intraabdominal and retroperitoneal LM are very rare and account for 4 % of all observed LM.
Purpose. To clarify the effectiveness of minimally invasive surgical interventions in children with abdominal LM.
Material and methods. Over a ten-year period, 15 children with retroperitoneal lymphangiomas , aged from 1 to 17, were operated on in our clinics. To clarify diagnosis, a comprehensive examination was performed: ultrasound, spiral computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal cavity. Laparoscopic access was applied in all 15 cases for surgical intervention.
Results. In all cases, lymphatic malformations were diagnosed before surgery which was later confirmed at laparoscopy. Malformations were excised laparoscopically. In 2 patients, lymphangiomatous tissue was partially left at the site of the greatest fusion with renal and iliac vessels due to a high risk of their damage.
Conclusion. Endovideosurgical technologies in children with retroperitoneal LM may be used at any child’s age and at any size of retroperitoneal cystic formation since emptying the cystic cavity creates the necessary working space in the abdominal cavity. Such an approach minimizes surgical trauma, shortens surgical time and facilitates the postoperative period.

Thoracoscopic correction of esophageal atresia in children in Dagestan
Introduction. The authors share their experience in treating children with esophageal atresia (EA) using the thoracoscopic technique.
Material and methods. 25 children with EA were operated on in N. M. Kuraev Children’s Republican Clinical Hospital in Makhachkala (Republic of Dagestan, Russia) in 2020–2022. 17 children had thoracoscopy; 13 were put primary anastomosis of the esophagus; 3 had gastrostomy after ligation of the tracheoesophageal fistula; in one child, who had no EA fistula, surgeons
put internal traction sutures on the proximal and distal ends of the esophagus without gastrostomy. Of 13 patients with primary anastomosis of the esophagus, 3 had conversion; in one patient without EA fistula, thoracoscopic esophageal anastomosis was put on the 6th day after internal traction sutures. Thus, the authors have analyzed outcomes in 10 patients with primary anastomoses and in one patient with delayed one who were operated on with the thoracoscopic technique.
Results. Outcomes of treating children with EA after putting thoracoscopic anastomoses of the esophagus were evaluated.
Discussion. On analyzing literature data on EA thoracoscopic correction, one can see good cosmetic effects at early and especially at late postoperative periods with low incidence of musculoskeletal deformity. A serious problem for most pediatric surgeons is the impossibility to create primary anastomoses in the neonatal period. In our case, the only obstacle was a large diastasis between segments of the esophagus. Yu. Yu. Kozlov et al. reported about a new approach applied in two newborns with EA: thoracoscopic traction elongation of the esophagus can be made without gastrostomy followed by esophago-esophagoanastomosis on days 5 and 6, respectively. They observed only stenosis of the anastomosis in both cases, what we also observed in one case.
Conclusion. Thoracoscopic technique for esophago-esophagoanastomosis is less traumatic; it improves visualization of the surgical field, gives good cosmetic results and does not cause rough cicatricial changes and musculoskeletal deformities.

Minimally invasive surgical correction of asymmetric keeled chest deformity in children
Introduction. The authors present their experience in the practical application of thoracoplasty technique in asymmetric keeled deformity of the chest in children.
Material and methods. 21 children with asymmetric keeled deformity of the chest were operated on with a new technique for thoracoplasty developed by the authors. A corrective plate was inserted directly under the sternum through the intermediate tunnel under visual control of the operational zone from an additional access at the edge of the sternum and adjacent deformed ribs.
Results. In the vast majority of cases (20 out of 21), good (excellent) results were obtained; in one case, the outcome was satisfactory because of a slight residual bulging of the sternum and adjacent ribs what made the patient feel slightly discomfortable among peers.
Conclusion. The developed technique of thoracoplasty in asymmetric keel deformity of the chest in children has resulted in optimal cosmetic outcomes in almost all the patients.

A comparative characteristics of bougienage techniques in children with cicatricial stenoses of the esophagus
Introduction. The incidence of cicatricial esophageal stenoses in children after severe chemical burns is quite high. Bougienage is a preferred modality in cicatricial stenoses of the esophagus. The new technique of esophageal bougienage which is thought to be the most safe and effective is dilatation with a wire guide.
Purpose. To compare management of children with cicatricial esophageal narrowings using various dilatation techniques.
Material and methods. 481 patients with chemical burns of the esophagus were treated at the department of pediatric surgery in Abualiibni Sino Tajik State Medical University (Dushanbe). 236 (49 %) children had burns of degree I; 124 (25.8 %) – of degree II; 121 (25.2 %) – of degree III. Cicatricial narrowings in the esophagus in children are mostly of degree III; that is why such pathology was chosen as the object of the study. Patients were divided into two groups depending on the bougienage technique. The control group included 68 (56.2 %) patients: 47 (38.8 %) of them had “blind” bougienage; 21 (17.4 %) – “thread” bougienage. In 53 (43.8 %) patients from the studied group, bougienage of the esophagus was made with a guided bougie.
Results. 78 patients in whom cicatricial stenoses developed after tissue damage with the vinegar essence were admitted to the hospital. 28 (36.8 %) of them – one month and more after the injury. 4 children from the control group and 2 children from the studied group had esophageal perforation as a complication of esophageal dilatation. These patients had extended and subtotal cicatricial stenoses. 3 other patients developed cicatricial stenoses after accidental swallowing of batteries; one had thread bougienage after gastrostomy, and the other two had wire-guided bougienage. Two children had burn lesions caused by unknown reagent with the subsequent formation of cicatricial stenosis of the organ; they had thread and wire-guided bougienage. In the first case, outcome was successful; in the second one – not, because of extended stenosis.
Conclusion. The technique of wire-guided bougienage has been proven to be effective.

Dirofilariasis of the scrotum in a 9-year-old child
Introduction. Dirofilariasis of the scrotum is one of unusual manifestations of this zoonosis in children, especially in regions which are outside the distribution area of this helminth what causes certain difficulties in preoperative diagnostics.
Purpose. To describe a clinical case so as to warn physicians about a possibility of meeting dirofilariasis infection in the scrotum outside the area of this helminth location.
Clinical case. The authors present a clinical case of a child with a parasitic cyst simulating tumor in the scrotum for what an oncologist was invited for the consultation. At the examination, a rounded formation adjoining the left testicle, densely elastic in consistency, with smooth borders, motionless to the testicle, painless on palpation was revealed. The child did not leave the region. A parasitic cyst of the scrotum was removed in the clinic of pediatric surgery.
Results. Histopathology confirmed cyst parasitic origin; the revealed parasite was identified as Dirofilaria repens because of characteristic morphological features. The child was found healthy at one-year follow up examination.
Conclusion. Though the disease is rarely met, dirofilariasis should be included in the differential diagnostics in case of mass formations in the scrotum in children.

A clinical case of surgical treatment of a 10-year-old girl with megaureter of the single kidney
Editrial comment. The described long-term multi-stage surgical treatment – performed at the child's place of residence was not adequate and was the threat of losing the only kidney. Management of patients with a non-reflexing form of megaureter, especially in the neonatal period, requires the assessment of not only the state of the kidney and ureter, but also the state of the bladder, in order to exclude the bladder-dependent form of megaureter. Proximal ureterocuteniostomy, especially of a single kidney, should not be used without a preliminary, full-fledged urological examination. Children with complex malformations of the urinary system should be promptly consulted in specialized medical institutions.
Introduction. Among congenital malformations of the urinary system, one of the most common is megaureter. The recently developed surgical techniques and, namely, minimally invasive ones for megaureter treatment, in some cases prevent or delay surgical intervention. However, if deterioration of the renal function is seen, especially in patients with the only functioning kidney, radical surgery has to be performed in a timely manner, before the formation of irreversible changes in the renal parenchyma leading to nephrosclerosis.
Purpose. To illustrate a successful surgical outcome in a patient with megaureter in the only functioning kidney when surgeons had to consider all anatomical features after ineffective previous surgical corrections.
Material and methods. The authors present a clinical observation and management of a 10-year-old patient with megaureter in the only kidney after previous ineffective surgical corrections when both open traditional methods and long-term endovesical stentings were performed but without taking into account the anatomical localization of the ureteral junction. The patient also developed a latent course of urinary tract infection and chronic kidney disease stage 3 by classification of the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), and the working group on improving outcomes of kidney diseases, Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI).
Results. Despite the existing problems – deficit in the ureter length caused by previous surgeries, impossible endovideosurgical laparoscopy because of metabolic disorders – the performed treatment was successful. The surgeons formed ureterocystoanastomosis by Cohen technique with extra-bladder mobilization of the ureter. Dynamic follow-up after surgical treatment lasted for 2 years. During the observation period, urodynamics of the upper urinary tract was restored and, one could see the elimination of leukocyturia, improvement of blood flow in the parenchyma of the only functioning kidney as well as stabilization of nitrogen metabolic parameters and glomerular filtration rate.
Conclusion. While choosing surgical management, surgeons should consider anatomical features of the ureterovesical junction. Such an approach has promoted good results in the discussed case.

Laparoscopic cystectomy for a giant splenic cyst in a 8-year old child
Introduction. Nonparasitic splenic cysts (PNSC) are rare, with a frequency of 0–2 % of all diseases of the spleen. Primary cysts account for about 30–40 % of all spleen cysts and are more common in children than in adults. Most cysts are asymptomatic. The usual clinical picture of large spleen cysts includes: pain or discomfort in the upper left abdomen, often accompanied by a feeling of overflow in the stomach. Spleen cysts larger than 5 cm are more prone to complications such as bleeding, rupture or infection, therefore surgical treatment is recommended. Development of endoscopic surgical techniques and modernization of imaging diagnostics have significantly changed management of spleen cysts. Thorough and accurate preoperative examination, precise location and topography of the cyst and surrounding structures increase chances for an organ-spearing surgical intervention. Nevertheless, in some cases, splenectomy is the only possible way of radical treatment. To date, the following types of intervention are most commonly applied: percutaneous cyst puncture with sclerotherapy, partial resection of the spleen and cyst fenestration which may be made both endoscopically and in the traditional way.
Description of clinical observation. This article describes a clinical case of a giant spleen cyst revealed at the outpatient examination for abdominal pain. The child was hospitalized. During the inpatient examination, asymmetry of the abdominal wall was found; a densely elastic rounded formation was palpated in the left hypochondrium. The patient was thoroughly examined: ultrasound of the abdominal cavity which revealed a cystic formation of the spleen and MRI. ELISA test did not reveal antibodies to Echinococcus. Laparoscopic cystectomy was performed.
Conclusion. This clinical case is an example of modern approach to the surgical treatment of giant non-parasitic spleen cysts with minimally invasive and organ-sparing tactics.