• Authors: Vatina L.1, Isaev P.A.2, Polkin V.3, Ilyin A.3, Yakusheva A.4, Ryzhenkova M.I.5, Ivanov S.5, Kaprin A.D.6,7,8
  • Affiliations:
    1. Medical Radiological Research Center named after. A.F. Tsyba - branch of the federal state budgetary institution "National Medical Research Center of Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia
    2. A.F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Research Center
    3. МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба - филиал ФГБУ "НМИЦ радиологии"
    4. МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба- филиал ФГБУ "НМИЦ радиологии"
    5. МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба
    6. National Medical Research Radiological Center
    7. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
    8. P.A. Hertzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute
  • Section: CASE REPORTS
  • Submitted: 29.08.2024
  • Accepted: 11.02.2025
  • Published: 25.02.2025
  • URL:
  • DOI:
  • ID: 831

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BACKGROUND: The aim is to present a case of calcificating epithelioma of Malherbe (CEM) in the shoulder  area in a 7-year-old female through retrospective review of medical records of a single patient.

CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: A 7-year-old female developed a lesion In the distal part of the right shoulder. On examinationval, subcutaneous tumor measuring up to 2 sm was found . It gave bluish tint under the firmly adherent overlying skin of normal color and texture. Rocky hard and non-tender, it was mobile over the underlying tissues. Total excision biopsy was performed under general anesthesia. Histopathologic analysis confirmed the diagnosis of CEM.

CONCLUSION: CEM is a rare tumor with head, neck. It is often clinically misdiagnosed and/or missed on differential diagnosis. Total surgical excision of the mass is recommended. For children, when families desire greater preoperative certainty, additional diagnostic procedures may be useful.

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About the authors

Liana Vatina

Medical Radiological Research Center named after. A.F. Tsyba - branch of the federal state budgetary institution "National Medical Research Center of Radiology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-5043-7301


Pavel A. Isaev

A.F. Tsyba Medical Radiological Research Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9831-4814
SPIN-code: 2181-4935

MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine)

Россия, Obninsk

Viatcheslav Polkin

МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба - филиал ФГБУ "НМИЦ радиологии"


к.м.н., зав. отделением лучевого и хирургического лечения заболеваний головы, шеи

г. Обнинск, ул.Королева 4Б

Alexei Ilyin

МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба - филиал ФГБУ "НМИЦ радиологии"


д.м.н., врач-онколог

Anastasiya Yakusheva

МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба- филиал ФГБУ "НМИЦ радиологии"


врач УЗ-диагностики

Maria Igorevna Ryzhenkova

МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба


врач клинической лабораторной диагностики патолого — анатомического отделения 

Sergei Ivanov

МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба


д.м.н., член-корреспондент РАН, директор МРНЦ им.А.Ф.Цыба

Andrei D. Kaprin

National Medical Research Radiological Center; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia; P.A. Hertzen Moscow Oncology Research Institute

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8784-8415

MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Professor

Россия, Moscow; Moscow; Moscow


Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

Copyright (c) Vatina L., Isaev P.A., Polkin V., Ilyin A., Yakusheva A., Ryzhenkova M.I., Ivanov S., Kaprin A.D.

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