Vol 25, No 1 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Published: 02.04.2021
- Articles: 16
- URL: https://jps-nmp.ru/jour/issue/view/24
Bile duct reconstruction in choledochal malformations in children
Introduction. Currently, there is ongoing discussion regarding the method of biliary tract reconstruction in children with choledochal malformations (CM).
Purpose. To make a comparative analysis of the techniques applied in bile duct reconstruction in children with CM.
Material and methods. For 10 years we have admitted 99 patients with CM. 84 children with CM were operated on from January 2010 to May 2020. Group 1 - patients who had Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy (RYHJ, n = 68, 81%); Group 2 - patients who had hepaticoduodenostomy (HD, n = 16, 19%). The surgical access varied depending on the biliodigestive anastomosis technique. It was mini-laparotomy and laparoscopy. Surgical time, short-term and long-term postoperative outcomes were analyzed.
Results. Groups were comparable in gender, age, clinical manifestations, CM complications before surgery, accompanied comorbidity (p > 0.05). It was found that CM types differ depending on the child’s age when the diagnosis was established ( p = 0.0493, Kruskal- Wallis test); there was also a statistically significant difference in the pair between CM 1C and CM 1F (p = 0.0164, paired post-test). It means that children with CM 1F were older, median age 49 months (Q1-Q3: 12-86 months), than children with CM 1C, median age 14 months (Q1-Q3: 5-30 months). In HD group, severe postoperative pancreatitis, which was not controlled with conservative therapy, developed more often (n = 2) (p <0.05) and required a number of repeated surgeries including re-hepatico and hepaticojejunostomoses, thus prolonging the length of stay in ICU and increasing much the number of bed days.
Conclusion. In our study, RYHJ technique has some advantages over HD one. Therefore, at present we can recommend it as a basic one.

Dependence of pancreas resection volume on PET-tomography and express biopsy findings
Introduction. Recently, achievements in molecular genetics, imaging techniques (PET/CT), medicamentous therapy as well as in surgical treatment have promoted a better control of hypoglycemia and, consequently, better outcomes in children with congenital hyperinsulinism.
Purpose. To specify indications, volume and outcomes of surgical treatment in patients with congenital hyperinsulinism depending on pathology form, differential diagnostics with PET / CT and intraoperative express biopsy.
Material and methods. 41 children with congenital hyperinsulinism were operated in the department of pediatric surgery in Almazov National Medical Research Centre (Saint-Petersburg) during 2011 – September 2020. In Group 1, there were 6 children who had standard treatment with subtotal resection of the pancreas (95%). In Group 2, there were 35 patients who had PET tomography with 18-F-DOPA before surgery and intraoperative express biopsy of pancreas tissue. The analyzed patients were operated on in 2017-September 2020. PET tomography with 18-F-DOPA findings revealed that these children had 10 diffuse forms and 22 focal forms; the other 3 children had a disputable picture.
Results. After surgery, diffuse form was confirmed in 10 (29%) children; focal form - in 21 (60%) children; 4 (11%) patients had the atypical form which was diagnosed intraoperatively. Of 35 children from Group 2, 33 (94%) had complete hyperinsulinism reversal, significant improvement in their psycho-motor function; however, 10 (29%) of them require insulin replacement therapy with minimal dosages - 8 children with the diffuse form of hyperinsulinism and 2 children with the atypical one. There were no intra- and postoperative complications. 20 (95%) out of 21 children with focal forms recovered completely. The authors also describe problems and peculiarities of urgent histological examination.
Conclusion. Thus, partial pancreatectomy in focal forms, subtotal in atypical ones and almost total in diffuse forms allows to cope with hypoglycemia caused by congenital hyperinsulinism.

A combined application of extracorporal detoxification techniques in children at the acute stage of severe concomitant traumtic brain injury
Introduction. In modern literature, there is a limited information on the techniques of extracorporeal detoxification in children with severe concomitant injuries. Moreover, in fact there are no data on their application in children with severe concomitant traumatic brain injuries. It has defined the relevance of this research.
Purpose. To improve outcomes of treatment in children with severe concomitant traumatic brain injuries who have manifestations of toxic-resorptive syndrome (TRS), septic complications, acute renal failure of mixed genesis using a combined application of extracorporeal detoxification techniques.
Material and methods. The article describes authors’ experience in a combined application of extracorporeal detoxification techniques, including continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) and membrane plasma separation (MPS) in ICU patients with severe concomitant traumatic brain injuries complicated by toxic-resorptive syndrome, sepsis and septic shock.
Results. The combined application of extracorporeal detoxification techniques promoted the regression of toxic-resorptive syndrome, shock reversal, stabilization of hemodynamic parameters, parameters of internal homeostasis as well as the regression of multiple organ failure.
Conclusion. Early extracorporeal detoxification improves clinical course at the acute stage of trauma. The authors underline that the key requirement for safety in extracorporeal detoxification in patients with severe concomitant traumatic brain injury is the invasive monitoring of intracranial pressure.

Acute appendicitis in children in the context of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)
Introduction. The first publications about acute appendicitis in the conditions of the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection have appeared. Most authors point to the increased time of seeking medical help in such patients and an increase in the level of postoperative complications.
Material and methods. A retrospective study of 192 case histories of patients aged 3 to 17 years with various forms of acute appendicitis who were treated in the surgical Department of the Republican children’s clinical hospital in the period from 2019 to November 2020 was conducted. Children operated on during 2019 before the start of the new coronavirus pandemic were included in the first group (n = 114). Children operated on in 2020 after the development of a new coronavirus pandemic were included in the second group (n = 78).
Results. The age of patients in both groups compared did not differ significantly. The course of the disease was within the average accumulated indicators and the terms of hospitalization did not change significantly. According to our observations, the time of admission to the surgical hospital from the time of the disease in the pre-coronavirus period and during it also did not differ significantly, which indicates that the same availability of medical care remains even during the epidemic. Our study also showed that the number of requests for complicated appendicitis in children during the COVID-19 epidemic even decreased, which ultimately led to a decrease in the level of postoperative complications. The study did not establish a significant difference between the main results of treatment of children with acute appendicitis before and during the new COVID-19 coronavirus infection. Only the level of postoperative complications significantly decreased in patients operated during the COVID-19 epidemic, which is associated with a lower admission of children with complicated appendicitis.
Conclusion. With the onset of the pandemic, the organization of medical care for the child population with acute pathology in the Komi Republic did not change and did not have any restrictions, which made it possible to maintain the timely provision of surgical care to children with acute appendicitis at the proper level.

History and modern trends in the treatment of spleen injuries in children
Introduction. Over the past 50 years, the concept of treating spleen injuries has undergone significant changes from no alternative to splenectomy to conservative treatment, and this concept is still being actively discussed. The present review shows evolution of views and approaches to the diagnostics and treatment of spleen injuries in children.
Material and methods. The literature search was done using keywords in eLIBRARY, MEDLINE and GOOGLESCHOLAR. 65 sources have been selected.
Results. The modern concept of spleen injury care has been formed under constantly improving techniques of non-invasive imaging of injuries (ultrasound, computed tomography), under constantly developing endoscopic and endovascular surgical techniques. Currently, conservative treatment of spleen injuries is close to 90-95%.
Conclusion. The evolution of views as to the treatment of spleen injuries in children is demonstrating fundamental changes which take place in traditional surgical practice as well as in medical technologies.

Choledochal cysts – state of the art
Introduction. Choledochal cyst is enlargement of the external bile duct system that can lead to liver dysfunction and biliary cirrhosis in childhood and malignant degeneration of the liver and bile ducts in adulthood. There are many theories explaining the origin of the common bile duct cyst. However, none of them can explain the formation of all five different types. Most of them are congenital. However, some of them may be aquired. The theory of a long common biliopancreatic canal has become widespread and is still used to explain the formation of this type of cystic anomalies. If the common canal is long and its part is not surrounded by the sphincter of Oddi, the secret of the pancreas begins to be thrown into the choledochus. Proteolytic enzymes from the pancreas are quite active and can damage the epithelium and the wall of the bile ducts, which leads to their weakness and, as a result, dilatation of the choledochus. Ultrasound examination is the initial and main method for diagnosing choledochal cysts. In some cases, there is a need for endoscopic or magnetic resonance retrograde cholangiopancreatography, intraoperative cholangiography. Removal of the cyst and anastomosis of the common hepatic duct with the lumen of the jejunum or duodenum, performed through the subcostal approach, are standard procedures for the treatment of patients with a choledochal cyst. The advent of laparoscopy and the accumulation of experience in performing complex surgical interventions introduced a minimally invasive approach for the production of laparoscopic biliodigestive anastomoses. Intra- and postoperative complications include damage to the structures of the hepatic hilum, torsion of the abduction loop, incompetence and stricture of biliodigestive anastomosis, cholangitis, stone formation, adhesive intestinal obstruction, and malignancy of the cyst remnants.
Conclusion. This literature review has demonstrated modern views on the origin, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of choledochal cysts. The scientific work discussed the versatile technical aspects of the surgical treatment of choledochal cysts in children and assessed its safety and effectiveness.

Minimally invasive correction of asymmetric chest deformity in children
Purpose. To analyze literature data and to find out optimal techniques for surgical correction of asymmetrical chest wall deformity in children.
Material and methods. The researchers studied data on surgical treatment of children with asymmetrical chest wall deformity who had thoracoplasty performed with well-known techniques developed by Bairov, Timoshchenko, Paltia, Ravitch, Kondrashin which included the resection of crooked cartilage and internal metal fixation with consideration of deformity shape, location and severity. For comparison, the authors analyzed the data on the minimally invasive Nuss technique and its modifications.
Results. The researchers found that thoracoplasty by the Bairov method is less effective which gives the largest number of postoperative complications (16.5%) in the form of hemothorax, pneumothorax and hydrothorax what significantly increased the length of hospital stay and the following rehabilitation process. On the contrary, minimally invasive interventions were the most effective, if to compare with all applied techniques for chest wall deformity correction, having a low percentage of complications; though their drawback is long-term postoperative analgesia.
Conclusion. At present, there is no any consensus on the top-priority technique for surgical correction of chest wall deformity in children. It necessitates further research in this direction as well as improvement of the existing techniques and development of new ones.


Laparoscopic treatment of pyloric atresia in a newborn
Introduction. Pyloric atresia is one of the rarest surgical diseases in newborns. Laparotomy is the most common modality for correcting this abnormality. In modern scientific literature, there is only one report on the endosurgical treatment of pyloric atresia. The case of laparoscopic correction of gastric outlet atresia presented in this study is one more reference to the successful care of this condition.
Material and methods. The presented clinical case is a newborn boy in whom a prenatal ultrasound examination at the 31st week of gestation revealed polyhydramnios and an enlarged stomach. The baby’s birth weight was 2660 grams. In the first hours of life, the child showed symptoms of high intestinal obstruction in the form of gastric content vomiting. Postnatal ultrasound and X-ray examination confirmed the diagnosis of pyloric atresia. During laparoscopy, performed on the 2nd day of life, the morphological type of anomaly was examined, and the type I atresia of membranous form was established. A laparoscopic membranectomy with Heineke–Mikulicz pyloroplasty was performed. In the final part of this research, early and late outcomes of the performed surgical treatment were analyzed.
Results. The surgery lasted for 70 min. Postoperative period was uneventful. Enteral nutrition started on day 3 after the surgery. A complete enteral diet was possible on day 7. The newborn patient was discharged from the hospital on the 9th postoperative day. Histological examination confirmed the pyloric atresia of membranous type. During 12-month follow-up, no complications associated with the surgical procedure were seen.
Conclusion. The described case of laparoscopic treatment of type I pyloric atresia in a newborn expands laparoscopy application in pediatric practice.

Intraluminal endoscopic removal of the appendix after intravaginal appendectomy in a 9-year-old child
Introduction. Appendix invertus is a rare condition in which the appendix is invaginated into the cecum lumen. This pathology has a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic course to severe inflammation.
Purpose. To describe the first clinical experience in pediatric practice of successful appendix removal using flexible intraluminal endoscopy.
Material and methods. A clinical case of a 9-year-old female patient who was admitted to Irkutsk Municipal Pediatric Clinical Hospital was analyzed. On admission, the patient had clinical signs of acute abdomen with a history of previous appendectomy performed by the “invagination” technique. Based on the hypothesis, that the inverted appendix is in the intestinal lumen, it was decided to perform appendectomy with flexible intraluminal endoscopy.
Results. It has been demonstrated that intraluminal endoscopy in pediatrics may be applied in rare clinical situations; in our case, it was necessary to remove the inverted appendix.
Conclusion. Flexible intraluminal endoscopy is a curative modality which illustrates the progress in improvement and expansion of indications and techniques in the area of NOTES surgery.

Surgical treatment of retroperitoneal neuroblastoma in a 14-month-old child
Introduction. Neuroblastoma is the most common malignant embryonic extracranial solid tumor in childhood having a high mortality rate. While treating neuroblastoma, it is extremely important to follow international protocols with their staging systems and groups of risk. Surgical treatment is a compulsory approach, but in some cases it is extremely difficult, and it involves significant risks. However, in some cases, radical removal of the tumor can cure patients without chemotherapy.
Material and methods. The article presents a clinical case of 14-month-old child with neuroblastoma of stage 3 and difficult anatomical location after 2 courses of polychemotherapy by NB-2004 protocol. The child had subradical resection of an extensive tumor in the retroperitoneal space and nephrectomy on the right. The authors also describe specific moments during surgery, problems which their faced during child’s treatment as well as follow-up examinations in the postoperative period.
Results. Follow-up examinations did not reveal any signs of disease recurrence. Catamnesis lasted for 56 months. The child is in a good state; she is active, attends a nursery school.
Conclusion. The discussed case demonstrates that a successful radical surgical removal of neuroblastoma of difficult anatomic location may have good outcomes without adjuvant postoperative therapy.

Experience in treating gastrointestinal tract perforations in newborns in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Introduction. Despite of the fact that necrotic enterocolitis (NEC) is a common surgical disease in newborns, a significant breakthrough in its treatment has not been made yet.
Purpose. To analyze outcomes of surgical treatment at the NEC surgical stage in newborns.
Material and methods. Outcomes after surgical treatment of 71 newborns with necrotic enterocolitis at its surgical stage, who were admitted to the hospital in 2015-2020, have been analyzed.
Results and discussion. Diagnostic laparoscopy (DL) was prescribed if the surgical stage of the disease was not complicated with pneumoperitonitis. 37 patients had DL; of them 11 (29.7%) had conversion to laparotomy. In 26 (70.3%) patients, diagnostic laparoscopy was ended with therapeutic laparoscopy and video-assisted mini-laparotomy; among them there were 7 (26.9%) patients in whom gastric perforation was sutured. Resection of the necrotic part of the intestine with followed end-to-end anastomosis was made in 8 (30.7%) patients; in 11 (42.3%) patients, an intestinal stoma was created. In 45 newborns with the NEC surgical stage, surgeons chose the traditional surgical tactics. 34 (75.5%) patients with diagnosed pneumoperitoneum had laparocentesis to achieve decompression; 8 (17.7%) patients out of them died. 37 (82.2%) patients had laparotomy; in 5 (11.1%) out of them stomach perforations were sutured. In 32 (71.1%) patients, intestinal stomas were created. If to compare the obtained results after video-assisted laparoscopic surgeries, the mortality rate was as follows: 6 (23.1%) patients after laparoscopic interventions and 64.4% after traditional ones.
Conclusion. Diagnostic laparoscopy at the surgical stage of necrotizing enterocolitis allows to select tactics for radical surgical treatment, to transfer surgical treatment into non-surgical one, thus minimizing surgical trauma what impacts positively the postoperative survival of patients.