Vol 27, No 4 (2023)
Computed tomography of intracranial hemorrhages in injured infants and little children aged from 0 months till 3 years
Introduction. The most common reason for young children to seek medical aid in hospitals is head injuries caused by falls from a small height. Currently, computed tomography (CT) of the head is a preferred method for rapid detection of bone fractures and brain injuries in children.
Purpose. To investigate specific features of CT signs of intracranial hemorrhages in children with TBI under three years of age.
Material and methods. 1334 children aged less than one month to 3 years with isolated TBI were examined at CT scanning. 128-slice scanner "Ingenuity CT" (Philips) was used for the examination. Scanning of the area of interest (head + cervical spine) was performed at the lowest possible values to reduce radiation exposure, including the O-MAR program, with step 0.75 mm at slice thickness 0.75 mm; reconstruction interval was 2 mm. The voltage applied to an X-ray tube during scanning (kV), current strength and time (mAS) were selected depending on patient's weight and age. The effective dose range was from 1.27 mSv to 1.91 mSv.
Results. In 510 out of 1334 injured children (38.2%), there were traumatic injuries of various degree, from uncomplicated cephalohematomas and linear fractures to massive intracranial hematomas and total cerebral edema; the rest 61.8% (n=824) had concussion. The performed CT scanning revealed that 87.84% (448/510) children had skull fractures, of which only 18.3% (82/448) had “isolated skull fractures”; the others (366 = 81.7%) had accompanying intracranial injuries.
Discussion. Pathological changes in children, aged 0 mon-3 years, after TBI are significantly different of those in children of other age groups. CT is the basic primary diagnostic instrument and should be used in all children with TBI no later than the first three hours. Radiation diagnostics play a key role in putting a correct diagnosis, if physicians use the information obtained at CT and know TBI mechanism in infants and little children.
Conclusion. CT is an imaging method of choice for acute TBI in little children to accurately identify and therefore treat intracranial lesions. In addition, CT is an effective diagnostic tool in detecting secondary traumatic injuries.

Clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic criteria for reveaing inflammation of the appendix and its regression in children
Introduction. Because of the numerous studies on a possible regression of inflammation in the cecum appendix, the question of finding reliable criteria for preoperative verification of inflammation and of assessing its dynamics in children is relevant.
Material and methods. In January 2017 – December 2021, case-histories of 92 children aged from 3 to 18 years – (Me (age median) = 12; Q1 (lower quartile) = 9; Q2 (upper quartile) = 14.5 – were analyzed in the Yaroslavl Children's Clinical Hospital. The researchers assessed diagnostic and management algorithms. All children had a high risk of appendicitis (PAS (Pediatrics appendicitis score) ≥ 6 points) because of changes in the appendix and findings of ultrasound examination, but due to the symptoms relief, no surgical interventions were performed.
Results. 78 (84.8%) children were prescribed antibacterial therapy. The median duration of symptom regression was 2 days (Q1 = 1 day; Q2 =4 days). On days 5–8 (Q1–Q2) (Me = 6 days), relief of all symptoms of the disease was recorded.
The average diameter dimensions of the vermiform process, by ultrasound findings at the initial examination, were 8.6 ± 1.47 (95% CI 8.31–8.92), wall thickness – 3.2 ± 0.39 (95% CI 3.12–3.28). After the symptom relief , these indicators were 6.3 ± 1.29 (95% CI 5.95–6.58) and 2.0 ± 0.63 (95% CI 1.18–1.88), respectively. The decrease in size was statistically significant (p < 0.001), signs regressed in parallel (r = 0.63; p < 0.0001).
95% CI lower limit of ultrasonographic parameters at the initial examination exceeded the threshold values indicating inflammatory changes (8 mm and 2.7 mm, respectively). After regression of the disease symptoms, 95% CI upper limit returned to the normal state.
Conclusion. The presented clinical observations may be considered as cases of appendix inflammation with regression. The selected clinical and ultrasonographic criteria can be used both for verifying inflammation and for assessing the regression of inflammatory process.

Kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas and tufted angiomas: Sirolimus for treating children
Introduction. Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) and tufted angioma (TA) are extremely rare vascular tumors characterized by pathologically progressive angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis. They are also associated with the development of the KazabachMerritt Phenomenon (KMP; Kasabach-Merritt Phenomenon).
Material and methods. 8 patients (5 boys, 3 girls) with kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (two out of them with Kazabakh-Merritt syndrome) and 4 patients (3 boys, 1 girl) with tufted angioma were treated at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (Moscow, Russia) . All patients were prescribed Sirolimus therapy for antiproliferative purpose.
Results. In all children, positive changes were registered: reduction of vascular tumor volume, gradual improvement of clinical picture and control of complications: pain syndrome, KMP, improvement or restoration of functions in affected organs /systems (increase/restoration of movement volume in joints, compensation for length discrepancy in lower legs). Complete resorption of vascular tumors and clinical symptoms were registered in 3 patients.
Conclusion. The obtained encouraging results after Sirolimus therapy prescribed for treating KME and TA allow the authors to recommend this therapy to patients with KME with or without KMP and TA. However, further researches with a large sample of participants is required to confirm the obtained results.

Treatment of recurrent pilonidal cysts in children: minimally invasive Gips technique
Introduction. Currently, long-term outcomes after surgical treatment of pilonidal disease are not always satisfactory. In particular, relapses can reach 40% by different authors and pose a big problem for operating surgeons. Repeated surgical interventions are technically more complicated, often require extensive excision and often lead to rough scars, which worsen cosmetic results. The minimally invasive Gips method has no abovementioned disadvantages and can be used in pilonidal cyst relapses. Purpose. To assess the Gips surgery effectiveness in relapses of pilonidal cysts in children.
Material and methods. 7 children with relapses of pilonidal cysts have been treated with Gips technique in the surgical department of Ivano-Matreninskaya Children's Clinical Hospital (Irkutsk) since January 2020. All surgeries were performed by the generally accepted Gips technique: local infiltration anesthesia with 1% lidocaine solution; fistula excision with a trepan-circular knife and curettage of the pathological cavity. Then, wounds were processed openly with gauze tampons until complete healing.
Results. Gender – 71.4% boys and 28.6% girls. The average age is 16.5 years (12–17 years). Previously performed surgical interventions: excision of the pilonidal cyst – 4 and Gips procedure – 3. Restoration of motor activity – on the first day after surgery. Duration of NSAIDs therapy – 2 days after the procedure. No early postoperative complications were registered. The average length of hospital stay – 4.75 days. Complete healing of postoperative wounds – 4.1 weeks, in average. Catamnesis – 9.5 months , in average; early relapses - in one patient (14.3%).
Conclusion. Minimally invasive intervention for treating pilonidal cysts by the Gips technique can be used both in primary and recurrent forms of the disease. The discussed technique provides good cosmetic results and has a minimal number of postoperative complications.

The first experience of treating linear types of capillary angiodysplasia of the skin in children with green laser light λ 520 ± 10.0 nm
Introduction. The linear type of capillary angiodysplasia (LCA) is represented by pathologically dilated vessels of the capillary flow located between the epidermis and hypodermis. LCA may be both congenital and acquired. By the type of blood supply, LCA are arterial, venous and mixed. Local infections and injuries, excessive solar insolation and hormonal imbalance are noted among LCA causes. LCAs are benign lesions, but they may have complications which may be triggered, for example, by traumatic damage to a pathologically enlarged vessel. There is a large number of non-invasive and invasive curative methods of LCA removal: cryotherapy, electrocoagulation, sclerotherapy, laser photodestruction and others. Among disadvantages, various authors mark: high risk of scarring, hyperpigmentation and high rate of disease relapse.
Purpose. To improve results of treatment of children with LCA by using laser light.
Material and methods. 32 children having LCA were treated with transcutaneous selective photodestruction ( green laser light, wavelength of 520 ± 10.0 nm generated by Russian-made laser device "Malachit") in Clinical and Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Trauma in 2021–2022.
Results. After treatment, 31 child had good results without residual vascular elements and scar deformation in the photodestruction zone. One patient required a repeated laser session because of remained residual elements after which she also had good results.
Conclusion. The presented clinical trial has demonstrated that transcutaneous selective laser photodestruction with consideration of spatial localization of LCA structural elements in the skin, provides a precise treatment of pathological dilated vascular structures, practically without skin damage, and allows to achieve radical good clinical and aesthetic outcomes.

The response of the authors of the article "Closed injuries of the median nerve in children: tactics, operation options" on the opinion of experts Korotchenko E.N., Semenova Zh.B., Kanshina D.S.
Dear colleagues, in this issue we continue the discussion started in the 3rd issue of 2023 with the publication of the article "Closed injuries of the median nerve in children: tactics, operation options" and the opinion of experts on the data and conclusions of this work.

Endoscopic removal of multiple magnetic foreign bodies in the stomach of a 2-year-old child
Introduction. Foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is a serious problem in pediatric surgery. In recent years, the incidence of cases when children swallow magnets has increased significantly. Foreign bodies in the stomach, small and large intestines can cause their perforation.
Purpose. To demonstrate a successful endoscopic removal of multiple magnetic foreign bodies which were in the stomach of a 2–yearold child for a long time.
Description of clinical observation. Boy, 2 y.o., was admitted by the ambulance to the Clinical and Research Institute of Emergency Pediatric Surgery and Trauma in Moscow with suspected presence of multiple magnetic foreign bodies in the stomach and complaints of melena during the last 2 months, about which his parents repeatedly consulted their pediatrician. Two days before the admission, the parents found several magnetic balls in child's faeces and decided to visit the pediatrician for the second time. This time the child had X-ray examination and was transferred to the hospital. At the survey radiography and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, the diagnosis of multiple foreign bodies in the stomach was confirmed. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed a conglomerate of multiple magnetic foreign bodies that filled ½ of the stomach lumen. Under general anesthesia, 209 pieces of magnetic beans were endoscopically removed. Postoperative course was uneventful.
Conclusion. If there is the slightest suspicion of a foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract and if there is a clinical picture of gastrointestinal bleeding, the child must be sent to surgical hospital for further examination and, if possible, for endoscopic management.

A clinical case of surgical treatment of duodenal diverticulum in a 15-year-old girl
Introduction. Duodenal diverticula account for about 10% of all diverticula in the gastrointestinal tract and occupy the second place in the incidence structure after colon diverticula. They are characterized by the asymptomatic course, as a result of which they are often detected by chance. Clinical manifestations of duodenal diverticula inflammation are not typical, and this diagnosis is a diagnosis of exclusion. Most often, they are revealed after developed complications: first place - strictures of the diverticulum with intestinal obstruction as a result of chronic inflammation, then - bleeding associated with the possible ectopia of pancreatic tissue and peritonitis in case of diverticulum perforation.
Material and methods. Since 1972, 19 patients have been treated for duodenal diverticula at Rostov State Medical University (Rostov-on-Don) and Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (Rostov-on-Don). The main clinical manifestation, almost in all cases, was bleeding. X-ray with contrast examination of the gastrointestinal tract was made almost to all patients. If the contrast leakage into the duodenum was seen at the examination, plus clinical manifestations, it was an indication for surgical management. A clinical case of girl I. ,15 y.o., is given as an example.
Conclusion. Duodenal diverticulum is extremely rare in childhood. So as to verify the diagnosis, it is necessary to follow the examination algorithm, which promotes the choice and tactics of treatment. To the authors' opinion, the key role in the diagnostics of the discussed pathology belongs to fibrogastroduodenoscopy. An indication for surgical treatment is the combination of instrumental diagnostic findings and clinical manifestations. During the duodenal diverticulum resection, surgeons must have a clear visualization of large duodenal papilla localization relative to its mouth.

Endovideosurgical interventions in the bladder diverticulum in children
Introduction. Among congenital and acquired malformations in the urinary system organs, one of the topical issues is the choice of management modalities in bladder diverticulum. Modern equipment and development of minimally invasive techniques have expanded the variability of curative approaches, which is especially important for children with comorbidities.
Purpose. To optimize surgical treatment of children with bladder diverticulum using minimally invasive surgical interventions, to reduce the rate of intraoperative and postoperative complications as well as to improve endovideosurgical access for the successful implementation of reconstructive interventions based on the authors' analysis of their own material on treating children with bladder diverticula.
Material and methods. Five patients of different age having a bladder diverticulum with various anatomical features and with comorbidities were treated at the surgical department of St. Luka Clinical Research Specialized Center for Children (Moscow, Russia) in 2021–2022. The researchers could find the principle for selecting a proper surgical modality after they had assessed positive and negative aspects of each type of surgical access.
Results. While choosing the type of surgical access in the discussed patients, the authors took into account anatomical features, concomitant pathologies, findings of instrumental diagnostics. As a result, all patients had good outcomes. The authors demonstrated a successful application of endovideosurgical techniques in the management of patients with congenital bladder diverticula after they had analyzed their own clinical material. They also described effective techniques for reconstructing ureterovesical anastomosis area with consideration of its place in relation to the diverticulum.
Conclusion. The pneumovesicoscopic access for congenital bladder diverticulum removal is the most rational one, as it allows to accurately restore the relationship of anatomical structures.

Spigelian hernia in children: a case report and meta-analysis of the literature
Introduction. Spigelian hernia (SH) or hernia of the Linea semilunaris is an extremely rare disease in the pediatric practice. Though it is a congenital malformation, it is revealed and treated surgically mostly at the age of over 50.
Clinical observation. A 6-month-old girl was surgically treated for SH at the Ilyinskaya Hospital. The child had been followed up since her birth for terminal hydronephrosis, complicated by the rupture of renal pelvis. At the age of 4 months, because of absent functions and recurrent infection in the urinary system, the child survived nephroureterectomy. On day 4 after surgery, the patient demonstrated signs of anxiety and pain. Ultrasound examination revealed a strangulated right-sided SH. The hernia was invaginated under ultrasound control. There were no SH relapses during the dynamic follow-up. At the age of 6 months, SH laparoscopic plasty with local tissues was made. There were no complications. There were no any signs of SH relapse for the following 3 months.
Conclusions. The search in the literature sources showed that for over 90-year period only 95 cases of SH in children have been described. The article also describes SH direct and indirect signs, possible complications and options for surgical treatment. Laparoscopic SH correction was performed only in 4 cases in children aged 11 months and older. The case presented by the authors is the 5th SH laparoscopic correction in the world.