Vol 27, No 6 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Published: 26.12.2023
- Articles: 11
- URL: https://jps-nmp.ru/jour/issue/view/45
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.17816/ps.2023-6
Assessment of the dynamics of concentration of biomarkers of acute kidney injury in remote shock wave lithotripsy in children
BACKGROUND: For several decades, remote shock wave lithotripsy has been considered a universally recognized gold standard for the treatment of upper urinary tract concrements. Despite its noninvasiveness, each lithotripsy session causes acute kidney injury which cannot be reliably assessed with traditional indicators used in nephrourology. Currently, new modern indicators found in the urine and serum are thought to be more informative biomarkers. In this paper, we investigated the effectiveness of some of them for possible potentials in the diagnostics of acute kidney injury in remote lithotripsy.
AIM: To evaluate changes in acute kidney injury biomarkers during remote shock wave lithotripsy in children.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: 54 children with urolithiasis, who had a session of remote shock wave lithotripsy, were enrolled in the study. In all patients, samples of urine and blood serum were taken three times for assessing biomarkers concentration: before lithotripsy session, after 45 min and after 24 h.
RESULTS: Statistically significant changes in the concentration of all urine biomarkers (NGAL, L-FABP, TIMP-2, calbindin-D, KIM-1) were registered at the basal level and 45 min after the procedure. A number of markers studied by us in the blood serum showed more significant changes 24 h after the procedure (IL-18, TNF-α). Although IGFBP-1 concentration increased slightly after 45 min, this change was not statistically significant (p <0.781). The level of cystatin C did not increase after lithotripsy.
CONCLUSION: The performed analysis of changes in biomarkers concentration has revealed a sufficiently high informative value of biomarkers in assessing the degree of acute kidney injury during remote lithotripsy in children. It also allows to suggest that the studied biomarkers may be promising indicators characterizing such an injury.

Failures in the conservative treatment of transcapsular spleen injuries in children
BACKGROUND: Spontaneous arrest of bleeding from the spleen in children in case of transcapsular injuries is a fact which opens chances for non-surgical injury management. However, continued or delayed bleeding is a risk factor for hemorrhagic shock and conversion to surgery.
AIM: To study the incidence of continued and delayed intraperitoneal bleedings in non-operated spleen injuries in children.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The prospective cohort study included patients with transcapsular spleen injuries who were hospitalized to the Children’s Clinical Hospital in Irkutsk from March 2002 to December 2022. Failure of the conservative treatment means that there appeared a need for surgical intervention in a child with spleen injury.
RESULTS: Out of 91 patient with spleen injury, surgical interventions were performed in 4 (4.4%) children within the first two hours due to unstable hemodynamics. Non-operative care was originally planned in 87 (95.6%) children, of which 80 (87.9%) cases were successful. Continued and delayed bleeding was observed in 23 children (25.3%). The failure rate in conservative treatment was 8.05% (7 of 87). Main reasons for unsuccessful conservative treatment were continued (n=5; 5.5%) and delayed (n=2; 2.2%) bleeding leading to hypotension.
CONCLUSION: Failures of the conservative treatment of transcapsular spleen injuries in children are associated with continued and delayed intraperitoneal bleeding. The probability of continued bleeding is 5.5%, of delayed one — 2.2%.

Ultrasound diagnostics of extrahepatic portal hypertension in children: a review of clinical cases
BACKGROUND: Ultrasound is a method of choice which is recommended in patients with portal hypertension for diagnosing and monitoring the disease, since it is informative, non-invasive, available and can be performed at patient’s bedside. The problem of portal hypertension in adults, methods of its diagnostics and treatment are widely covered in the medical literature. In clinical practice, portal hypertension in adults in most cases has an intrahepatic form and is associated with cirrhosis as the consequence of chronic liver diseases. Unlike in adults, portal hypertension in children is more often extrahepatic and is associated with some block to the blood flow through the portal vein. Portal vein impaired patency may be caused by thrombosis due to catheterization of umbilical vessels, omphalitis, peritonitis, developmental malformation of the portal system. A considerable difference in the frequency of portal hypertension forms in children and adults impacts the strategy of ultrasound diagnostic examination.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: The article presents two clinical observations of extrahepatic form of portal hypertension in children aged one year one month and seven years. The authors demonstrate potentials and main aspects of ultrasound diagnostics in this pathology. They also underline the priority of assessing the portal system patency so as to detect cavernous transformation in the portal vein. Echographic signs such as changes in echogenicity and liver structure, presence of uneven bumpy contour, dilation of portal vessels, recanalization of the umbilical vein, ascites are not typical for the extrahepatic form of portal hypertension in children.
CONCLUSION: In children with extrahepatic portal hypertension, clinical manifestations such as enlarged abdomen, changed blood tests and ecchymoses on the body may be unnoticed for a long time. Bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach is met as a frequent sign in children. Therefore, it is of particular importance to allocate newborn children from the risk group (with umbilical vascular catheterization, omphalitis, etc. in the anamnesis) to the special diagnostic group with detailed ultrasound examination of the liver, Dopplerographic assessment of portal vein patency so as to identify possible signs of portal hypertension as early as possible.

Robot-assisted bladder diverticulum removal in a 10-year-old child
BACKGROUND: Bladder diverticulum are hernias of the bladder mucosa that prolapse through a detrusor defect. Diverticulectomy is the treatment of choice for this disease. Surgical methods to implement this principle include open, laparoscopic and robotic approaches. In the present study, we outline our own technique for performing robotic diverticulectomy and report its short-term results.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: The study reports one case of bladder diverticulectomy performed with a robot-assisted technique in a 10-year-old boy. The diagnosis of the disease was established using voiding cystourethrography, cystoscopy and X-ray computed urography. The patient had robot-assisted bladder diverticulectomy using transperitoneal extravesical access. At the final stage of the study, short-term outcomes of the robot-assisted procedure were evaluated. The duration of the operation was 100 minutes. No intraoperative and postoperative complications were observed. The urinary catheter was removed the day after the operation. The duration of the patient's stay in the hospital was 7 days. Histological examination showed signs corresponding to a false diverticulum of the bladder with the presence of single muscle fibers in its structure. The ureteral stent was removed one month after the operation. After removal of the stent, control voiding cystography was performed, which demonstrated the absence of bladder contour deformation at the site of surgical procedure.
CONCLUSION: Robot-assisted bladder diverticulectomy is a technically feasible approach to the treatment of congenital bladder diverticulum.

The asynchronous torsion of the main and accessory wandering spleens in an infant
BACKGROUND: To diagnose the torsion of the wandering spleen in infants is a challenging task. Torsion of the wandering spleen in such population is an extremely rare case. Among children under one year of age, the wandering spleen is more common in boys (2.5:1). A total of 26 cases of torsion of an accessory spleen were described in the literature. Asymptomatic course of the disease before the first episode of spleen torsion occurs in 70% cases. No case of asynchronous torsion of the main and accessory wandering spleens are described in the literature.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: This article describes a very rare clinical case of asynchronous torsion of the main and accessory wandering spleens in an infant. In the described case, basic clinical manifestations of the spleen torsion in an 8-month-old girl were typical for acute enteric infection. The child had laparoscopic splenectomy.
CONCLUSION: The present article describes challenges associated with the diagnostics of this pathology, important role of spiral computed tomography, efficacy of diagnostic laparoscopy and relaparoscopy as well as the efficacy of laparoscopic spleen resection in case of spleen necrosis in an infant.

Acute suppurative thyroiditis in a 10-year-old child
BACKGROUND: Acute suppurative thyroiditis in children is a rare and potentially life-threatening thyroid disease that requires rapid diagnostics and treatment.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: A clinical case of a 10-year-old girl with a thyroid abscess is described. She had fever, painful neck swelling, sore throat, tachycardia, restricted neck movement, and dysphagia for 6–7 days. The treatment consisted of antibiotic therapy, incision and drainage of the abscess using local ozone therapy. It was found that causative agents were Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The girl had a follow-up examination in 9 months after the discharge — there were no signs of thyroid pathology.
CONCLUSION: Although acute suppurative thyroiditis is extremely rare in children, it occurs sometimes. Since this condition may be associated with a piriform sinus fistula, the child must be examined for it because of the risk of recurrence.

Peitz–Jaegers syndrome as a cause of intussusception in children
BACKGROUND: Intestinal intussusception is a common cause of acute intestinal pathology in children. Peitz–Jaegers syndrome is a rare disease with an autosomal dominant type of inheritance characterized by the development of hamartomic polyps in the gastrointestinal tract and pigmented spots on the skin and mucous membranes. It is a “precancerous” state which increases the risk of oncologic formations in the gastrointestinal tract and in genital glands. Peitz–Jaegers syndrome is associated with mutations in STK11 or LKB1 genes.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: The article describes the authors’ experience in surgical resolution of the intestinal intussusception with atypical course in a 6-year-old child. Diagnostic laparoscopy detected intussusceptions in the small intestine, one of which was immediately desinvaginated with instruments and the other one required conversion. During the surgery, dense tumor-like formations were identified; therefore, jejunum loop with revealed formations was resected. Further histological and other testings showed that these formations were hamartomic polyps. The patient had been preliminary diagnosed with Peitz–Jaegers syndrome which further was confirmed by genetic and histological analyses and gastroscopic examination. The postoperative period was uneventful; the child was discharged in the satisfactory condition on day 7 after the surgery.
CONCLUSION: Consultations with a pediatric surgeon and gastroenterologist, examination of the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract, monitoring polyps’ onset or growth are stages of key importance in children with Peitz–Jaegers syndrome. Such an approach promotes minimization of risks associated with the course of this disease. To prevent emergency surgical situations, it is important to make genetic analyses for children with the family history of polypous syndrome in the gastrointestinal tract.

A clinical case of surgical treatment of a large kidney cyst in a 9-year-old girl with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
BACKGROUND: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease is currently the most common inherited form of cystic kidney disease, the frequency of which is about 1 per 400–1000 newborns, what makes the problem relevant. Its progressive course in patients with polycystic disease is primarily associated with the ischemic component, the severity of which depends on the number, location and size of cysts. Arterial hypertension, which is an autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease complication, plays a leading role in renal failure progression. Given the current lack of specific treatment, the main therapeutic goal is to prevent complications, postpone the development of renal failure. Therefore, if there are large and giant cysts, surgical treatment is an effective modality and should be performed in a timely manner.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: The authors present a clinical case of a successful endovideosurgical cyst excision in a -year-old patient with a giant cyst in the right kidney, autosomal dominant polycystic disease, and hypertension of renal genesis.
Endovideosurgical cystectomy in the patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease has become an important pathogenetic link in the treatment of this pathology. Currently, the patient is under dynamic follow-up for more than one year. During the follow-up period, the patient demonstrates relief of urinary syndrome in the form of disappeared haematuria, stabilization of albuminuria indices, improvement of blood flow parameters in the renal parenchyma, as well as stabilization of arterial pressure.
CONCLUSION: The given clinical example demonstrates that reasonable surgical intervention with the choice of a rational method of access, taking into account the anatomical localization and size of the cystic formation, allowed to obtain a good result in the form of stabilization of renal hemodynamics in a patient with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease.

Treatment of a four-year-old child with destructive pneumonia
BACKGROUND: Treatment of patients with destructive pneumonia remains one of the most difficult problems in pediatric surgery. Modern possibilities of antibacterial and intensive care, minimally invasive endoscopic intraluminal technologies, as well as surgical techniques have reduced the number of adverse outcomes up to 4%. The type of surgical intervention and the time of its performance depend on the disease form, child’s general state, local changes in the bronchi and pleural cavity, as well as on technical capabilities of the clinic.
CLINICAL CASE DESCRIPTION: The article presents a clinical observation of the complex treatment of a 4-year-old patient with destructive pneumonia complicated by a bronchial fistula. Intensive and antibiotic therapy stabilized the child’s condition, eliminated manifestations of multiple organ failure, and drained the pleural cavity to resolve tension pyothorax. The programmed thoracoscopy provided an adequate sanation of the pleural cavity, assessed dynamics of the inflammatory process and allowed to position drains under visual control. The fistula of the lower lobe bronchus was closed with a valve bronchoblocker after elimination of the local erosive and ulcerative lesion. A clinical success of such management was manifested with inflammatory process remission, bronchopleural fistula closure, pleural empyema removal. Due to this, deblocking was done three months after discharge from the hospital. At the control examination, the patient had no fistula, most part of the affected lung was preserved, post-inflammatory changes in the pleural cavity were minimal.
CONCLUSION: The favorable outcome after treatment of children with destructive pneumonia depends on personalized and multidisciplinary approach. Minimally invasive endoscopic techniques do contribute to the effective elimination of complications, to effective functional restoration of the affected lung and to better recovery of patients.

Professor G.N. Rumyantseva: a woman's view of a man's profession

Joseph Georgievich Tetyev